How Gavin Newsom Exposed The Lie That Got us ObamaCare.

Democrats didn’t need to lie to pass Obamacare. They had a majority in both houses of Congress. But they lied anyway, often, and the media helped. They said they would bring costs down and not get between you and your doctor.

ObamaCare never worked as advertised, but then it was never meant to work for patients. The goal was to sweep up as many people as possible between Medicare and Medicaid until the Feds had cradle-to-grave control of the coverage and financing of medicine. This provided a means to control human behavior, which is always the ultimate goal. The COVID response convinced them they could, and California has taken it to the next logical step. One that proves the goal was to get between you and your doctor to control treatment and options – to control the people.

A few months ago,  “Newsom… signed California Assembly Bill 2098, making it the first state to attempt to censor what physicians can say about COVID-19 to their patients.


“The statute instructs that “It shall constitute unprofessional conduct for a physician and surgeon to disseminate misinformation or disinformation related to COVID-19, including false or misleading information regarding the nature and risks of the virus, its prevention and treatment; and the development, safety, and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines.”


The net effect is that your doctor can’t tell you the truth if it contradicts the state’s position, even if the state’s data supports it. State dashboards have proven that the young have very little risk from any form of COVID-19, but the state’s public position is different from its own evidence. What you see with your own eyes does not mean what it means.

If California gets away with this, the next step is to expand the rule until anyone wishing to practice medicine will have to abandon what they know for what they are allowed. This should cause residents concern. Doctors and nurses have been at a premium since the COVID response. Many left the profession or were forced out, leading to shortages.

Leaving California for a state with no muzzle never looked better.

That will only result in worse care for Californians, even if the new gag law never suffers from mission creep. But this is precisely where ObamaCare always meant for us to go. Newsom and his Dem majority are just showing us the end game.

And as the lies surrounding the response to COVID unravel, doctors are left not even knowing what “truth” they are allowed to practice without first checking with the State’s political officers.



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