Greedy Doctors Performing Surgeries for Profit Update

Remember that time, at Obama Care camp, when Democrats insisted the Government would do away with greedy doctors performing surgeries for profit? Good times. How times have changed. Doctors admit that transitioning surgery for children is a big money maker for them.



Occupational objection?

Vanderbilt was apparently concerned that not all of its staff would be on board. Dr. Ellen Clayton warned that “conscientious objections” are “problematic.” Anyone who decides not to be involved in transition surgeries due to “religious beliefs” will face “consequences”

Read the thread here.

Democrats have no objections to surgery for profit when it advances some left-Wing agenda. They don’t care if puberty-blocking drugs have killed thousands of kids. It is of no interest that a majority of them will attempt suicide. Spikes in substance abuse or the collateral damage caused are likely a feature, not a bug. These are, after all, just extra people the Left would prefer never breed and, if possible, die.

Related: Depopulation Progs Aren’t Transing Your Kids Out Of Empathy

Democrats are all-in because this advances at least two goals side-by-side. Legal castration and depopulation control and, if they survive – a victim group that is in now in worse shape, they can ply for votes with other people’s money.

De-transitioning survivors are shouted down or excommunicated like black Republican voters. You are dead to them, but that doesn’t mean they won’t try to kill you.

But there’s still the matter of performing these surgeries for profit, especially when manipulating someone’s emotions to drug and cut them up for profit. Not just children but parents and guardians, who are faced – especially in majority progressive outposts – with intimidation, guilt, and even shame if they protest even a little.

Related: Dr. Michael Laidlaw – Gender Transition Therapy is Giving Children a Disease

Tennessee Senator Marsha Blackburn isn’t keeping quiet.


“Using children for profit and political gain is deeply disturbing. Experts agree that there have not been enough clinical trials conducted to prove the safety and effectiveness of using these drugs on kids,” Blackburn said in a press release. “These drugs have not been approved for treating children experiencing gender dysphoria, but the left insists on experimenting on these children anyway.”


Blackburn wrote the FDA and asked them to investigate the adverse effects of puberty-blocking drugs on kids. But we have an opinion from the FDA already.

Related: A “Parents Transgendering Kids” Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy Double-Tap!


The FDA identified six cases where there was a “plausible” link between GnRH agonists and a condition called pseudotumor cerebri, which is caused by elevated fluid pressure in the brain. According to the FDA, all six cases were identified in biologically female children between the ages of 5 and 12; five of the six were being treated for early puberty, and the sixth was undergoing “transgender care.”


There are serious risks. As previously noted, thousands of kids have been killed by these drugs. But the Left encourages this and the surgery for-profit model that follows. But they aren’t hypocrites. It is the default setting for Democrats. You cannot allow the words they say to confuse you. No matter what comes out of their mouth, the goal is not to help anyone but the Democrat party.

Nothing they do works for anyone but them and their political ambitions. Once you accept this, you’ll find it is easier to filter the garbage they spew. Surgery for profit helps their buddies in the Hospital cartel, who donate to Democrat candidates and causes.

These kids are just another campaign finance laundromat, and they die or kill themselves; it hardly matters to them. They’ll still get the donations.



HT | Washington Examine

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