The Little Governor Who Couldn’t

Those were some funny tating browniesGovernor Lynch, in a fit of impotence and self contradiction, has confused his role as the states chief executive, as reported in a Union Leader column today by Tom Fahey. 

In regard to the passage into law of New Hampshire HB 601 and SB 148, Governor Lynch remarked on one hand that…

He allowed the bill (HB 601) to become law, he said, “because I did not want New Hampshire to default into federal oversight.”

and then claimed that…

…SB 148 has no practical effect on New Hampshire residents because there is no way to enforce it.

“ The assessments for not obtaining health insurance will not be administered through the state but through the Internal Revenue Service. Legislators and the public should understand that this legislation would have no impact on the capacity of the state of New Hampshire to block the individual health insurance mandate or the federal assessments for not obtaining insurance,” he said.


HB 601 (in short-hand) prohibits accepting pump-priming federal dollars for Obama Care–which must be returned to lower the federal deficit) and gives the NH legislature oversight of all state agencies on the matter before any part of it can be implemented.   SB 148 simply states that we will not enforce any purchase mandate fine or imprisonment related to the Health Care law.

As a matter of semantics Lynch is not wrong to suggest that if the IRS barges in and arrests us for failing to comply that no state agency is interposed to prevent that.  But that is exactly the point of SB 148.  It deems to interpose the law enforcing branch of the New Hampshire government–the executive and his Attorney General–between (in this case) the IRS and the people on the matter of  the Patient affordable care act.  SB 148 draws a line over which our chief executive is meant to stand in defense of his state and it’s people.  The same line, by the way, that he draws (at least rhetorically) with regard to HB601.

So according to Lynch, while he does not want to default to federal oversight, the IRS can just reach over the Governors office and snatch whomever they please. 

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NH Executive Council Votes to Take Obamacare Money

by Don

In response to the article at:  I sent the following letter: 

Dear Sirs:

Obamacare was passed against the wishes of the majority of the American people who still want it repealed this includes majorities of Republicans and  Independents, and a plurality of Democrats.  Obamacare has been ruled unconstitutional. 

Every Republican that I am aware of that ran for any national office promised to get rid of Obamacare, repeal or remove funding, and most  would NOT have been elected without such a pledge.  The US House of Representatives has already passed a repeal bill.    

Thus, one wonders why New Hampshire would spend money, even “free”  money, to help implement Obamacare.

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Boehner is not listening

by Don
The republican House leadership seems to too timid to actually do what they promised and defund Obamacare.  So, I sent a letter to the leadership telling them they are not doing job one.  
The most leverage they will ever have to take away funding is by tieing it to the continuing resolution.  They are letting a rule they created get in the way of ending Obamacare funding. 
If you are as concerned as I am, you may wish to write a letter as well as make some phone calls.  Perhaps my letter which I will put below will give you ideas.  If it helps in anyway, that is fine with me.  Yes, I cc’d Guinta.   
Following the letter will be the addresses.

March 11, 2011
Dear Speaker Boehner, Leader Cantor, Congressman McCarthy, Congressman Price, and Congressman Sessions:

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Sebelius Admits to Obamacare Double tap

Double TapFans of the movie Zombieland might understand the post title right away.  In the movie the lead protagonist, "Columbus" has a set of rules he always follows which he believes are the only reason he is still alive after the world is turned into Zombieland by a mutant strain of Mad Cow disease that turns almost everyone into crazed, flesh eating zombies.

Rule #1 is cardio.   You need to be able to run away from Zombies.

Rule # 31 is Check the back seat.  Always look to see if there is a Zombie in the back of the car before you drive away in it.

Rule # 3, beware of bathrooms.  Zombies seem to be able to sense when you are at your weakest.

Rule #18 Limber up.  Wouldn’t want to come up lame.

And Rule #2?  Double Tap.  It is not a waste of ammo to put another round into the head of a zombie to make sure they are down for the count.

So who stumbles into my metaphor but Obama Zombie and Health and Inhuman Services Minister Kathleen Sebelius.  Note to the left–no, I am not suggesting we double tap her, I am suggesting she and the democrats of the 111th congress–and all your lying or deluded selves included– have double-tapped the Taxpayers.  Sebelius has just admitted to a congressional committee that a huge chunk of money they claimed was going to offset the costs of Obamacare is the legislative-accounting equivalent of a double tap.

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Obama and Jobs

by Don

President Obama says he is focusing on jobs.  Is that good or bad?  In 2009 and 2010 he said he would “focus like a laser” on jobs.  Yet we suffer from the longest high unemployment since the great depression with no end in sight.   

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What The Bi-Partisan Repeal Vote Means

Democrats are up in arms about the US House vote to repeal Obamacare. They are claiming it is just a political stunt but the real problem is that democrats do not understand how people who ran on an issue and were then elected to office because of it, would actually follow through and vote that way?

Hey, Did He Learn This From Carol Seiu-Porter? Runaway!

Keeping with the promise of Obama and the congress for openness and transparency, Human Events (HE) brings us Donald Berwick.  Berwick is Mr. Obama’s recess appointment to the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and according to Jason Mattera at HE he’s been less than accessible, refusing interviews and avoiding public comment in the three months since his ascension to the office, despite claims that he would address concerns that would have derailed any effort to get him there through the usual Senate confirmation process.

Derailed indeed.

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Did they really say “Lifestyle Behavior Modification”?

by Tom

File this under "Dear Leader" syndrome…

President Obama took one step further away from the traditional role of a US President, and one step towards "Dear Leader", dictatorial status, when he signed the following Executive Order on June 10, 2010.

Under the authority of the unconstitutional "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" of March 23, 2010 (aka "Obamacare"), this order establishes the "National Prevention, Health Promotion, and Public Health Council".  No budget, no benefits, and no rights are directly involved, so no Congressional involement is required either.

Yeah, right.  No problem.

I’m sure the Whitehouse was waiting for a credible crisis to occur before releasing this order.  I guess that was this week.

This looks like a passive, semi-stealthy, advanced party setup for a future "National Healthcare Personal Benefits Evaluation" process (my name) – a program that I’m sure Progressive Healthcare authors deem to be necessary, as a foundation, once their widespread National Healthcare goes into effect in a few years, if not repealed first.

It smacks of "let us take care of you, little, helpless people, for we are smart, and know better what you need to be healthy".  The audacity of this administration never ceases to amaze me.


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