The leftist narrative

The Leftist Narrative is Leading us into Danger

Today America is under assault from the Leftist narrative. The police, for example, today are living under a narrative of lies. This is different from the conditions in any other profession. Police motivation, as a group, is largely the desire to help people. However, the story the media is telling is the exact opposite. The … Read more

fundamentally and violently transforming

Fundamentally and Violently Transforming

The Left is hellbent, though, on fundamentally and violently transforming America. Remember all the way back to last year. Feminists were celebrating women’s equality. They were declaring #TheFutureIsFemale; now men can be women by simply claiming the title. This is just one more example of exactly how ignorant smart phones are making us. The internet … Read more

2020 Taglines

by Tom

When this COVID-19 circus finally rolls out of town (if it ever does), there will be a number of taglines for this awkward period in US history. One of them will be “weaponized hypocrisy”.  We’ve seen ridiculous levels of hypocrisy from the Left over the past 10 years, especially since Donald Trump got elected.  They … Read more

Are Leftists Friends of the Little Guy?

Are Leftists Friends of the Little Guy?

Are Leftists: friends of the little guy? That is the cloak they cover themselves with. But are they really friends of the average American? They insist on being judged the promises they make and the intentions they aspire to. Leftists never want to be held accountable to their actual results. The cloak they wrap themselves … Read more

Bullying of Conservatives on Campus

Bullying of Conservatives on Campus

Perhaps because colleges have been bastions of Leftism for years we are seeing a frequent bullying of conservatives on campus. Now, with the rising acceptance of “social justice” campuses are radical socialist indoctrination centers. Parents who teach their kids to be critical thinkers receive a surprise when those kids return after months of leftist programming. … Read more

Rosie Rung1

Merrimack State Rep. Rosemarie Rung just accused you of treason

by Tom

In a never-ending competition to be as publicly abrasive and unprofessional as NH State Rep. Sherry Frost (Lunatic-Dover), one of Merrimack’s new leftist State Reps, Rosemarie Rung, has gone off the rails yet again. (and again here) This time, she’s actually calling you a traitor to your country if you support Trump – simply because … Read more

Leftism Eradicates Character

Leftists tend to hold America in contempt. They prefer socialism to capitalism and regard all white people and police as racist. To them the Bible, Christianity, and Judaism are not only nonsense, but dangerous nonsense. There is an implicit adherence to a belief that men and women are not inherently different or even that male … Read more

MLK Votes Republican Today

The premise American universities have dangerously devolved into institutions of political indoctrination. They ought to be institutions of higher learning. A recent study of the 60 highest rated liberal arts colleges in the nation found more than 10 professors are registered Democrats for every registered Republican. That means something. Perhaps it means politicization of universities … Read more

Trump Derangement Syndrome Incurable

The Surgeon General announced at a news conference today that Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is incurable. The news rippled through the ranks of CNN, ABC, MSNBC, and CBS. Panic was reported near newsrooms across the nation. It is currently unknown whether the disease is communicable or even what the source may be. It is known … Read more

RESIST Chris Pappas – He is WRONG for New Hampshire

  If there was any candidate who is WRONG for New Hampshire, it’s Chris Pappas. This photo speaks volumes about WHO Pappas would actually represent and it isn’t the majority of Granite Staters, it’s the far left-wing lunatic movement that has taken over the Democrat Party. These are the people who chase senators and conservative … Read more

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