Karl Marx Bust statue

Marxism and the Cultural Revolution

It will not have escaped many people’s attention that one of the main strategies in America’s “reckoning on race and Southern identity” involves depicting the Confederate battle flag as a symbol of racial oppression. Against this, Patrick J. Buchanan argued that: What the flag symbolizes for the millions who revere, cherish, or love it, however, is the heroism … Read more

From Whence did Transgenderism Spring?

Why transgenderism? Simple – a political process to trash heteronormativity and eliminate the difference between men and women, and undermine traditional values to forward socialism and a new way of being.

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hand mirror face refelction contemplation addiction by Amine M pexels jpeg

Point That Finger in the Mirror

Recently, I saw someone complaining that the Biden administration’s attempts to suppress free speech on social media are inconsistent with promises that Biden made to ‘bring decency and morality’ back to government.

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Does this mean that Zandra Rice-Hawkins is gonna call me a misogynist again (and again and again)? – Part 2

Yes, the Executive Director of out-of-state-financed Granite State Progress and Concord City Councilor (what a scary thought from a Liberty standpoint of those two positions co-joined at the ankles) Zandra Rice-Hawkins has oft not been enthralled with GraniteGrok.  This won’t help as it is strictly politically incorrect – I can see the steam coming out … Read more

Masculinity Isn’t Toxic, Cultural Marxism Is

By Kevin Sculley (former NH State Representative) There are men who exhibit toxic behavior, but the gender is not toxic, and there is a huge difference. What we are seeing in today’s society is the ascendency of toxic Cultural Marxism. I consider it the Grand Unifying Theory of what is tearing our culture apart today.  … Read more

When you keep pulling bricks out of the Wall that is Society…

Interesting article to puruse:

Obama’s Social Experiments Are Wreaking Havoc on America Today

Can you see where this is going?  When you upset and then throw away long term Society’s norms built up over hundreds of years for the sake of “PROGRESS!”, why should anyone be surprised? Sure, some wrongs have been righted but then Progressives just had to charge over the cliff wall and take all of the rest of us with them (abbreviated, emphasis mine).

While the Left’s advocacy on social issues and identity politics long predated Obama, the former president’s policies supercharged many of the issues dividing America in 2018. His administration helped launch the current liberal cultural wave that wreaks havoc on American politics — and extends far beyond politics. Here are five key ways Obama’s policies impacted American culture, beginning with #MeToo, sexual assault, and Brett Kavanaugh.

1. The sexual assault maelstrom.

It all started in 2011, when the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) under Obama’s Department of Education (DOE) issued a “Dear Colleague” letter reinterpreting Title IX of the 1972 Higher Education Act. The OCR letter encouraged colleges and universities to set up what Harvard Law professors Jacob Gerson and Jeannie Suk called a “sex bureaucracy.”…

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Quick Thought – On the fallacy of “Self-described Experts” by Maura Sullivan (Democrat Carpetbagger in CD-1)

New WMUR logowhich “Supply Sullivan” wants us to swallow: hook, line, and trigger. I haven’t watched the WMUR debates yet but will do so because, well, I should.  Still, this sound byte from their News caught my ear (emphasis mine):

“I believe the veterans in Congress are going to lead on this because we have an unassailable credibility when it comes to guns. And we can say on the House floor, we used these in Iraq, people used them in Afghanistan. They don’t belong in Manchester and they don’t belong in Hampton. they don’t belong anywhere in this country.”

-Maura Sullivan

No, you don’t.  This is the falsehood by a “in Supply” dud who

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It’s what the Left does – normalize what used to be taboo to accept their even worse

No TabooComparisons, comparisons.  First, go back and read this.  Remember, the media ‘fessed up to “normalizing” homosexuality.

Now this:  Bernie Sanders Says Liberals Are Turning the “Radical” into the “Mainstream.”

And now this:  Drag queen superheroes show — ‘Super Drags’ — coming to Netflix: ‘They’re going to save the world’

So, normalizing Socialism and Communism.  Now add to that which  used to be considered to be depraved behavior – and we Normals aren’t to say a thing or be labeled RACISTs or HOMOPHOBES, or DEPLORABLES or IRREDEEMABLES (did I forget the word BIGOT! ?).  Stigma – a word that has had its meaning pretty much neutered.  Depravity is in, church going and traditionally moral people out.  Fun-cations (complements of unemployment – trust me, it ain’t) in, hard work out. Responsibility is out, blaming others is in.  America bashing in, pro-America out; you get the picture (and I keep coming back to this over and over because it does seem that the America I grew up in is being deliberately and methodically destroyed.

So when all what used to be praised and held to be of value, what happens?

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Notable Quote – Roger Kimball

On what rot the 1960s wreaked upon today (emphasis mine):

 “Only a few periods in American history,” the New York Times intoned in an editorial called “In Praise of the Counterculture”:

… have seen such a rich fulfillment of the informing ideals of personal freedom and creativity that lie at the heart of the American intellectual tradition. … The 60’s spawned a new morality-based politics that emphasized the individual’s responsibility to speak out against injustice and corruption.

A “new morality-based politics,” eh? It seems so long ago, shrouded in a Day-Glo glaze of grateful recollection. But when it comes to the Sixties, and especially the fulcrum year of 1968, Time magazine is right: “50 Years After 1968, We Are Still Living In Its Shadow.” Indeed, paroxysms of the 1960s, which trembled with gathering force through North America and Western Europe from the mid-1950s through the early 1970s, continue to reverberate throughout our culture. The Age of Aquarius did not end when the last electric guitar was unplugged at Woodstock. It lives on in our values and habits, in our tastes, pleasures, and aspirations. It lives on especially in our educational and cultural institutions, and in the degraded pop culture that permeates our lives like a corrosive fog.

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I guess Scala or Galdieri haven’t heard the latest, have they?

Social conservatives will grumble, but they don’t appear to have the juice to make the popular governor pay the price for this,” Scala added. “There just aren’t enough voters, even in a statewide Republican primary, who will vote on these issues. That was true when it came to repealing gay marriage, and it’s true today.”

-University of New Hampshire political science professor Dante Scala

“He feels like he is comfortably ahead enough that he can afford to lose a few social conservative votes,” Galdieri said.

-Saint Anselm College political science professor Christopher Galdieri

It may be amusing, both ways, what with the scuttlebutt that has been part and parcel of all the inbound calls and emails I received yesterday and today.  When the idea started up, everyone that either mentioned it or heard it basically said: “yup, we could get behind that, RIGHT NOW”.

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Irony Alert: NH Gov. Diversity and Inclusion Council ‘Listening Sessions’ All Took Place in Towns Won by Clinton in 2016

militant-snowflakeI’m trying to wade through the preliminary report from the Governor’s Council on Diversity and Inclusion. The first thing that struck me was that their first foray into information gathering included “Listening Sessions” in three locations. Durham, Portsmouth, and Claremont.

Yes, the diversity and inclusion council chose to begin their excellent virtue signaling adventure by “listening” to the concerns of citizens in three locations that chose Hillary Clinton in 2016.

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