So, Tim Allen is going to try to out do Roseanne?

Tim Allen
Tim Allen

Between the two of them, Roseanne’s reboot and the impending reboot of Last Man Standing, I know of two NETWORK shows I may actually watch with some regularity (actually, I did LMS because the writing was always quite good and the chemistry between the talent showed through in that they did like it each other).  That said, even with Roseanne coming out as a Trump supporter (quite the thing in Hollywood – most actors and actresses would be blacklisted forthwith), Tim Allen let this fly in talking about his restart:

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Marriage and the NHGOP


By Carolyn McKinney – (Reposted)

To advocates for removing “traditional” from marriage in the NHGOP platform.

First, you are guilty of using the most frustrating and pernicious leftist debate tactic.

To try to make your case, you use examples outside the norm – such as families who adopt, grandparents raising their grandchildren, single parents due to the death of a spouse – in an attempt to undermine the norm. It’s no different than those who are pro-abortion trying to undermine opposition to abortion by raising rare cases of rape and incest, or more recently, using the existence of intersex persons to try to undermine natural sex/gender.

Many of us have friends or family whose situation is exactly one of those examples, but their efforts are a compassionate response to a crisis, not something that we should set as a legal standard.

Second, articulating an ideal is not exclusionary.

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Deep State Warfare – The Global Deep State vs. President Trump

Homo MarxianFormer NSC Staffer Rich Higgins was fired by H.R. McMaster. Probably because he truly understood what Mr. Trump was trying to do in the war against the Deep State. In what has been labeled as “The Rich Higgins Memo” he analyzes the global ruling class war against Mr. Trump and his country class supporters.

Here’s a sample.

Culturally conditioned to limit responses to such attacks as yet another round in the on-going drone from diversity and multicultural malcontents, these broadsides are discounted as political correctness run amuck. However, political correctness is a weapon against reason and critical thinking. This weapon functions as the enforcement mechanism of diversity narratives that seek to implement cultural Marxism.

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The tolerance of cultural Marxism in the Academy? Does not go far, it seems

Institutions of higher learning, at least when I was there 30 40 years ago, they were hotbeds of discourse, ideas, and ideologies.  You had a stand – you took it, you said it, and you defended it.  Others did the same.  At the time, even if they didn’t listen, they at least gave you the time. Nowadays, Political Correctness (aka Cultural Marxism) has taken over the Academy.  How DARE you be a Conservative AND believe in God – you are a traitor to the Movement (and an evil person too!).  It is no longer enough to no longer give the opposite side time – in fact, press the pedal to the metal: there is a zero tolerance for The Other among those on campus. The Classic Western Liberalism that drove the Academy for centuries has turned into the same intolerable Illiberalism that Progressivism has brought to America (emphasis mine):

America’s great universities continue to be bastions of intolerance. They profess to prize “diversity,” which in practice means that everybody must believe the same things. The blog has the story of how the Northwestern University Student Senate refused to allow student Stephen Piotrkowski to become vice president of diversity and inclusion because he admits to being a white heterosexual male.

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Cultural Marxism and the Origins of ‘Modern’ Sexual Morality

Here’s some “light viewing” to go with the morning coffee (eeeee), courtesy of Blogger Adam Cahn. Adam has this posted on his site and provides some bulleted highlights (can I still use the word ‘bulleted?’)  Go check them out whether you think you have time to watch this or not.  Odds are good you’ll make … Read more

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