Lost Pride: When The Monster They Created Comes for Them

Are Campus snowflakes rioting after years of encouragement from professors and administrators the best form of social justice? They deserve whatever grief they get, yes? But they aren’t the only victims. The L, G, and B folks started something that has come to haunt many.

Ben Bartee summed it up nicely over at PJ Media. He has another example of “T dog bites the LGB hand that feeds it.” A French women’s rights group comprised of lesbian and bisexual women has been fighting for “women’s sex-based rights and the rights of lesbian women” for thirty years. Their reward has been to be shouted down and told they are not welcome at a local pride parade because they do not allow transwomen in their group.

Here’s the summation.

As strong as the impulse to defend the women who defend biological reality is within me and probably within most onlookers, it would be an oversight to not acknowledge the tasty irony that feminists, who pioneered the concepts of “gender” and “sex” as social constructs with no grounding in biology, birthed this transgender monster that has now taken over their political movement.

They opened — through their pseudo-philosophy propagated first through the university system in the West, which then seeped into popular culture and lower levels of education — the gender ideology pandora’s box.


Upon seeing the result of the Manhattan Project, Robert Oppenheimer is alleged to have said, “Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.’ I suppose we all thought that, one way or another.”

I don’t think anyone coming out of the closet at street level to begin digging under the foundations of Western Culture suspected it might fall on them. Progressive action doesn’t worry itself with consequences or side effects. Knocking things down is what it does. You have to break all the eggs to make the Marxist omelet, including the ones helping you get it done, but you don’t tell the activists that. You praise and motivate them, even finance them, without regard to casualties.

The end game is greater than the bits players.

Same-sex marriage was never about extending rights. It was about ending marriage and families. A few couples will benefit from loosening standards, but acceptance in and of itself was never the goal. Western culture stands on the shoulders of unbroken families who build communities and even states that resist the sucking sound of central planners.

They have broken families, marriages, men and women, and now they’ve moved on to breaking children, which has alarmed many in the LBG part of the movement and more than one or two parents. State-sponsored grooming in public schools. The normalization of transvestitism as a gateway to gender transition drugs and surgery.

They are not proud of that, but any effort to inject an observation or even the slightest pushback results in a wave of anger and cries of bigotry and discrimination. It should look and sound familiar. As should the years of warnings about what was at stake and who would be made to pay the price.

As weary as I grow of repeating myself, no one on the political left cares about your status, be it minority, religious, sexual, citizenship, age, occupation, race, or gender. You are a tool to be discarded, melted down if necessary, to make the next weapon in the culture war. An actual victim, not of the white, male, colonialist patriarchy, but the lies Marxist whisper to get you to help them put on the boots under which we will all be crushed.

I know, a bit dramatic considering the topic. Or is it? Lesbians are denied their place in a Pride parade. Women are denied their position on a podium at a sporting event. “Women” with penises rape female inmates. Blacks are cordoned off into urban ghettoes with no path to success outside crime. Vets are left homeless. Drug addicts are swamped with influxes of Fentanyl from Mexican gangs. Naturalized citizens are overwhelmed by armies of illegals. Gun-free cities are rampant with violent crime.

A black president undermined decades of improved race relations in a few short years while anti-white racism in a white-majority country is offered as a required curriculum.

It’s all about destruction and anyone who thinks otherwise is doomed to end up under the rubble while the political class watches from somewhere in their private jets, traveling between their white towers.






  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at GraniteGrok.com. Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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