In Case You Were Wondering Why the NH-GOP Fails to Follow its Platform …

I view the GOP platform, both at the State and the national level, as the Party’s pledge … as opposed to every individual candidate’s pledge … to the voters. Stated slightly differently, I do not automatically view a candidate as a RINO because the candidate does not support every single plank of the platform. For example, I would prefer to have a GOP in office who votes the way I want 60 percent of the time when the ONLY alternative would be a Communist (I am no longer going to call them Democrats) who votes the way I want none of the time. Of course, some issues are non-negotiable. I will not support a candidate who supports abortion for any reason up to birth, even if that candidate and I agree on every other issue.

That said by way of preface, I want to turn to a recent post from Skip about the NH-GOP taking money from RINO-extraordinaire Steve Duprey. In that post, Skip shared a recent fundraising missive from the NH-GOP:

Are you on the same page politically as these “money-people”? I don’t know every one of the individuals, but I am familiar with many of them, and do not consider many of those to be real Republicans.

Yet who do you think the Party’s “leaders” are going to side with on the important issues, us or the “money people”?

Hint: The “money people” think the NH-GOP should avoid the “cultural issues” and focus on “fiscal issues,” … and the GOP’s “leaders” agree and some (Chris Sununu) are actually fighting those of us trying to fight back against the Left’s cultural-Marxism (for example, “Critical Race Theory”).



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