I’m trying to clear my desktop of all kinds of saved files, and in this case, we can thank Samm JaCrispy Johnson (who later dropped the JaCrispy bit), a line cook at the Rt 93 Hookset rest stop at the time (didn’t even live in town).
Black Lives Matter
I Cannot Find the Cleverness to Justify Discrimination Now, Either to Others or to Myself
To combat past racism, you need to be a current racist. That’s what Professor Thomas Sowell is refusing to do or believe:
Texas Has Fallen.
This. Law enforcement in Texas openly supporting Black Lives Matter terrorists blocking a highway. If you don’t believe this is coming to New Hampshire … you are D E L U S I O N A L. If you believe that Sun-King Chris Sununu will support you, and not the BLM terrorists, you are D … Read more
Parents – PAY ATTENTION! Critical Race Theory is Looking for Your Kids! BUT…
Grassroots organization forms to help parents fight critical race theory and politicization in classrooms If you are the kind of Parent that is raising your children along traditional American norms with Judeo-Christian values, Critical Race Theory is lurking in schools all over the country. Your kids most likely are already seeing some of what we’ve … Read more
BLM Co-Founder Buys $1.4 Million Home In Nearly All-White Neighborhood.
This, which was published on April 9th: The reason I am posting about it NOW is that FACEBOOK recently censored an article by the New York Post that revealed this was just one of several high-priced properties in exclusive areas that was purchased by the self-proclaimed Marxist: Big tech is covering for liberal activists and … Read more
Sununu Discovers the First Amendment Just in Time to Save CRT
Gov. Chris Sununu is no friend of free speech. In 2018, he signed a therapy ban which made it illegal for licensed counselors to help gender-confused children live as their own sex, even though we know that the vast majority of those children would be comfortable living as their biological sex as adults unless they’re pushed down the path of affirmative therapy.
Blogline of the Day: Note to Gov. Sununu – This is the Real Reason to Stop Critical Race Theory!
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis knows what the ramifications of CRT are to society and its power to indoctrinate OUR children (and not the teachers). “DeSantis Takes On Critical Race Theory: ‘Teaching Kids To Hate Their Country’ Not Worth ‘One Red Cent Of Taxpayer Money’.”
Data Point – Outlooks have changed on George Floyd’s death
He was the Black man that Minneapolis. Police Officer Derek Chauvin has been charged with his death by keeping his knee on Floyd’s neck. Subsequently, toxicology results showed that it was more likely that he died of drug overdoses from fentanyl, meth, 4ANPP, and Norfentanyl.
Public Schools Violate State Law: Promoting the Agenda of One Political Party Over Another
How did Social Justice, White Privilege, and Critical Race Theory get into public education? Parents are never invited to a public meeting to explain in advance what administrators propose to teach to their children. Controversial agenda items quietly slip into our classrooms without discussion.
They Gave One to Arafat so Why Not – BLM Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
Yassar Arafat was a life-long terrorist. He paid people to blow themselves up to kill soldiers and civilians. Most of his life was spent leading a war for the interests of others while pretending it had something to do with his people.
A Tale of Cancel Culture – Daring to Question Black Lives Matter
The Left is vindictive and of a hive mind. Like a swarm of killer bees (as we’ve seen on GraniteGrok, the Bickfords in Gilford and newly elected NH State Rep Dawn Johnson of Laconia), they come from near and wide not to disagree with you in a debate, but to Silence you.
ACLU-NH Cuts Staff, Lets Website Domain Expire
According to their Twitter account, the ACLU-NH recently let go of two staff members, Palana Belken, Trans Justice Organizer, and Steven Kidder, Field Organizer. This morning, I went to the ACLU-NH website to see what other staffing changes they had made, when I discovered that their website domain had expired.
Democrats, Antifa, BLM and Civil War – Keep Pushing, Dears, You May Get What You Wish —
Democrats, Antifa, and BLM like to talk about a civil war. Well, keep pushing, and you may get what you wish for but you won’t like it.
BLM Cares Nothing for Improving Lives of Law-Abiding Americans
To most of us, all lives, including all Black lives, matter. However, the Black Lives Matter movement only cares about the Black lives (usually Black deaths) that it can use for political advantage.
Black Lives Matter Is a Very Violent and Racist Organization
To The Daily Sun,
Hockey is one of my favorite sports and I was looking forward to seeing the newly structured playoffs. Imagine my surprise five minutes into the first game when they cut to a large banner that read “We skate for Black Lives Matter.”
Black Lives Matter Cares about Its Marxist Agenda More Than Black Lives
To most of us, all lives, including all black lives, matter. However, the Black Lives Matter movement only cares about the black lives (usually black deaths) that it can use for political advantage.
Black Lives Matter – BLM Leaders Saying what they Really Are
When the real “peaceful protests” started to not be peaceful at all, and when you couldn’t tell the BLM rioters from the Antifa ones, we shouldn’t have been surprised. I try to take people at their word when they are saying something “important” (as opposed to noticeably just joking around).
Blogline of the Day – Equity over Freedom
Black Lives Matter rioting is the French Revolution attacking the American Revolution.
Remember – Equity is just another word for racial quotas. Freedom is the word that means YOU choose for you and not someone else.
Data Point – Map of BLM and Antifa Protests and Riots Across the US
USA Today has that as an interactive map that has incidents of actual peaceful protests (like those, pretty much, here in NH). However, as we all know, many (if not most) degenerated into Marxist believing mobs with “Death to America” (Hey are we in Iran!).