Public Schools Violate State Law: Promoting the Agenda of One Political Party Over Another

How did Social Justice, White Privilege, and Critical Race Theory get into public education? Parents are never invited to a public meeting to explain in advance what administrators propose to teach to their children. Controversial agenda items quietly slip into our classrooms without discussion.

Often school board members aren’t fully informed regarding the contents of a particular curricular program.  School administrators are often eligible for grants, (i.e. bribes) when they choose a controversial curriculum program.

Promoting the agenda of a political party violates NH State law:

NH RSA 189:26 Books Excluded. –
No book shall be introduced into the public schools calculated to favor any particular religious sect or political party.

Which political party’s agenda is being promoted?

New Hampshire Democratic Party Platform (Adopted May 23rd, 2020)​

We believe in gender equity [ed., not equality] and cultural sensitivity for individuals who are transgender, non-binary, or from RACIALLY UNDER SERVED COMMUNITIES and that this sensitivity should inform health care delivery and access

We believe climate change is an issue that exacerbates all others, and that it is a monumental impediment to achieving our values of SOCIAL, economic, and environmental JUSTICE and fairness that are addressed throughout our platform.

We believe that a comprehensive transportation system promotes SOCIAL and economic JUSTICE by allowing all of the people and businesses in our state to take advantage of opportunities regardless of their geographic location or economic circumstances.

What is Social Justice?

According to Investopedia:

Social justice is a political and philosophical theory which asserts that there are dimensions to the concept of justice beyond those embodied in the principles of civil or criminal law, economic supply and demand, or traditional moral frameworks. Social justice tends to focus more on just relations between groups within society as opposed to the justice of individual conduct or justice for individuals. . . .

Politically within the U.S., social justice advocates are usually found in the DEMOCRATIC PARTY, particularly in the party’s self-identified progressive and socialist wings, as well as other smaller organizations.

What is Critical Race Theory?

Dr. Gary Thompson described Critical Race Theory in an interview on February 10, 2021.  He claims CRT is based upon a victim hood mentality with six main ideas:

  1. Racism is assumed and it need not be proven.
  2. CRT is not to be debated. “Debating it is tantamount to treason,” according to Prof Deborah Pohl.
  3. CRT must be devoted to critiquing social institutions, not itself, according to Derek Bell, a CRT founder and a mentor to Barack Obama.
  4. You are oppressed, if you are black. You are an oppressor, if you are white.
  5. CRT takes a dim view of religion. It’s part of the white hierarchy.
  6. CRT takes a dim view of the patriarchy and fathers.

Social science theory should be up for empirical discussion.  If it’s science, it’s not infallible and needs to be discussed. CRT falls in the face of science as it can’t be critiqued.

The motive is control. It’s absolute. Promotes victimhood, not self-initiative.

Dr. Gary Thompson
Dr. Gary Thompson

Dr. Gary Thompson is an Education and Forensic Psychology Consulting at Early Life Psychology.


Who promotes the theory of White Privilege?

Ashley Shackelford claims that “All white people are racists.” This is part of the Critical Race Theory, which is of course not debatable.
Transcript of Ms. Ashley Shackelford’s video speech given on October 9, 2017:

All white people are racist. So I put this up because I really want any white person in the room to know upfront that this is what we’re dealing with.

That it’s not going to be this coddling of white tears and what that looks like we’re not going to discuss: oh maybe some of us have to work it out.

No, you’re always going to be racist actually.

So even when you’re on your path to trying to figure out how to be a better human being because I believe that white people are born into not being human like that.

Actually instead of people of color and black folks being dehumanized, that actually everyone is dehumanized for it within white supremacy.

That y’all are born into a life to not being human and that’s what y’all are taught to do: to be demons.

So in this particular way, white people are all racist. So I just want y’all to know that it’s wrong.

Ashleigh Shakelford
Ashleigh Shackelford

Ashley Shackelford,  a Black Lives Matter organizer and self-described “writer, cultural producer, and artist.”

So, I guess you can now understand that debating “non-debatable” ideas in a public forum might create more acrimony than it resolves. Like religion, politics should NOT be part of public education. For good reason.

Thankfully, the State legislature prohibited political indoctrination many years ago.

NH RSA 189:26 Books Excluded. –
No book shall be introduced into the public schools calculated to favor any particular religious sect or political party

But how can parents enforce this law?

  • School administrators and school boards haven’t been much help, so the problem persists.
  • The NH Department of Education explained that our laws are “TOOTHLESS TIGERS” and there’s nothing they can do to help without built in penalties. Really? Why not withhold state funding! But that doesn’t happen even after a district falsifies documents to the State. Well, maybe for a week, but no more! Been there; seen that!
  • The NH Attorney General’s office won’t investigate union electioneering in the public schools during the school day. Why would they help fight political indoctrination in the public schools?

A fellow school board member explained that:

“My expectation that the district uphold the rule of law is a sign of my white privilege.”

Social justice is apparently outside the rule of law and not debatable.

Voters must elect school board members who are honest and willing to uphold the law — even if they are called “racists” or “white supremacists” for doing so. School board members need to find the courage to actually fire district staff for misbehavior, not just slide them off to the next school district to avoid confrontation — thus, enabling misbehavior to continue.

Whose values should be taught in our schools? There is a growing disconnect between the values of the parents and those promoted in the schools. School boards must bridge that gap to represent parents while upholding the law.


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