Seattle Riots

The Destruction is the Distraction

We are now seeing the results of a plan that was two years and more in planning. You may have read stories in the 2018 election of how George Soros (yes, that enemy of our country), had poured a lot of money into political races for Attorneys General and District Attorneys.

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New Hampshire’s Republican-Committeeman Chris Ager and Wife Accosted by BlackLivesMatter “Protesters” After Leaving Republican Convention … Silence From Sununu

Steve posted on this earlier. As did Michael Graham on “Inside Sources”. Here is the video (the second one): The Agers were not the only victims of the Black Lives Matter mob. Senator Rand Paul and his wife barely escaped: #WalkAway founder Brandon Straka was also a victim: As were many, many, many others. One … Read more

Paul Gallant

Blogline of the Day – Karma, it burns

Radio host mocks Trump by claiming Seattle is peaceful, then rioters torched his apartment building. Seattle radio host and Twitter-based criminal defense advocate Paul Gallant “dunked” on President Donald Trump last month by denying that the riots are violent, then the radio host was scored on by rioters who set fire to his apartment. Now … Read more

Democracy is tyranny.

Black Lives Matter – Really, peaceful? What about: ‘Every City, Every Town, Burn the Precincts to the Ground’

That’s from Black Live Matter “protesters” in Rose City (er, Portland) that has been “peaceful” for the last 51 nights. That chant isn’t sounding all that peaceful to me (although it’s at least different from the “This is what Democracy looks like” or other shopworn-to-bit chants they normally yammer): "Every city, every town, burn the … Read more

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