We are now seeing the results of a plan that was two years and more in planning. You may have read stories in the 2018 election of how George Soros (yes, that enemy of our country), had poured a lot of money into political races for Attorneys General and District Attorneys.
Black Lives Matter
“Here’s How Your Children Are Getting Indoctrinated by Leftist Ideology.”
This post by Doug Blair has been popping up in a number of places and I first found it at The Daily Signal. The days of the teacher, a wooden desk, a blackboard, and apple are long gone. We’ve posted examples of this indoctrination regime in the past – more of “higher Ed” than the lower grades.
New Hampshire’s Republican-Committeeman Chris Ager and Wife Accosted by BlackLivesMatter “Protesters” After Leaving Republican Convention … Silence From Sununu
Steve posted on this earlier. As did Michael Graham on “Inside Sources”. Here is the video (the second one): The Agers were not the only victims of the Black Lives Matter mob. Senator Rand Paul and his wife barely escaped: #WalkAway founder Brandon Straka was also a victim: As were many, many, many others. One … Read more
Democrat Party mouthpiece LWVME sent me a text. They WANT me to vote absentee. But I don’t live in Maine?
If I was Joe Biden, no one would blink an eye if I called NH Maine or NH Vermont. That’s just how the MSM rolls (while the rest of us just roll our eyes). But “Harry” decided to send me a text:
Maybe it is Time to Consider Defunding Public Libraries
The American Library Association is firmly aligned with the Marxist Black Lives Matter movement and their demands that we defund the police. Maybe it is time to consider defunding public libraries.
Black people are recessive genetic defects and sub-humxn. No, I didn’t say that but…
Oh Wait! That’s not what was said – at least not by a Person of Pallor. It was by one of the co-founders of the Black Lives Matter movement – . Now, do you think THAT’s about “racial harmony” or leaning more towards “Black Supremacy”? ….and another deleted classic from Yusra Khogali pic.twitter.com/SHvrpmamO5 — Adam … Read more
“BLM has become the new KKK and even people of color are not safe.” – a followup
The title comes from Steve’s post “BLM Demands Businesses Post Loyalty Letters and Make Protection Payments“. This wasn’t (and hasn’t been) about racial harmony. You WILL accede to our demands has nothing to do with righting wrongs.
“Progressive Folks in Blue States…are …Tenacious Supporters of Systemic Racism”?
Gosh, what an eye-opener, given that all the folks that are virtue-yelling at the rest of us are Fine Upstanding People of the Progressive Nature. They are the ones that are wailing about their White Guilt and yet here they are opposing a school integration program with poor kids of color.
If you March Behind a Terrorist Banner aren’t you a Terrorist?
Have you ever noticed how every time Trump says or does anything the left takes the opposite position, no matter what? When the president reported encouraging results from the long proven-safe malaria drug Hydroxychloroquine, the left immediately demanded testing and prohibited doctors from prescribing it for the flu.
Do Black Pre-Born Lives Matter?
Pro-life activists were recently arrested in Washington DC for writing “Black Pre-Born Lives Matter” in chalk on the public sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood.
This is AWESOME! Ticked off Normal in Portland decides he’s had enough with BLM / Antifa bullying.
This was SO great I went over to Treehugger and immediately posted it up on the most recent pickup truck bashing post by Lloyd Alter:
“If You’re Against Racism, Then You Should Be a Capitalist”
“Capitalism can’t stop people from being racist but it makes them pay a price for it.” And if you don’t believe that quote, listen to the entire video for the context behind it. Are you listening, Black Lives Matter allies and adherents? This is VERY MUCH worth your time!
Blogline of the Day – Karma, it burns
Radio host mocks Trump by claiming Seattle is peaceful, then rioters torched his apartment building. Seattle radio host and Twitter-based criminal defense advocate Paul Gallant “dunked” on President Donald Trump last month by denying that the riots are violent, then the radio host was scored on by rioters who set fire to his apartment. Now … Read more
There is Life Outside New Hampshire, Revolution?
I have had the opportunity to travel the United States of America several times since the beginning of May. I think it is important to relate my experiences, to put the civil unrest in perspective.
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Succumbs to the Heckler’s Veto (Like Most Supine Democrat-Run-City Mayors)
Both the Seattle and Portland (Oregon) mayors have suspended the Rule of Law in their cities. Portland has had more than 55 days of violent and crime-ridden rioting. Seattle is allowing Antifa to own the streets and an “Antifa” candidate is running for mayor there to prove how much worse it can get.
State Sen. Cindy Rosenwald Must Disavow Racist Ties
When Doris Hohensee was serving on the Nashua Board of Education, she posted a quote on social media from Lothrop Stoddard who was, unknown to her, a eugenicist. The Nashua Democrats made a big stink about the quote. They tried to convince everyone that Hohensee was a racist and must resign from the Board of Ed.
Black Lives Matter Truly is a Violent Radical Terrorist Group
I just read a letter that made some excellent observations regarding Black Lives Matter (BLM). The suggestion was that BLM is misnamed. It should be (OCBLM) Only Certain Black Lives Matter.
Black Lives Matter – Really, peaceful? What about: ‘Every City, Every Town, Burn the Precincts to the Ground’
That’s from Black Live Matter “protesters” in Rose City (er, Portland) that has been “peaceful” for the last 51 nights. That chant isn’t sounding all that peaceful to me (although it’s at least different from the “This is what Democracy looks like” or other shopworn-to-bit chants they normally yammer): "Every city, every town, burn the … Read more
New Hampshire “Defund the Police” BLM Activist Arrested for Possession of Child Pornography
One of the BLM’s ‘White Allies’ (from Jackson, NH), just got himself arrested. For what, you wonder – though not much because you can read the headline. Six counts for possession of child sexual abuse images. You have to wonder, is this why Chris DeVries wanted the police defunded?
Black Lives Matter Supporters Don’t Care if Cops Aren’t Killing More Blacks
CAUTION – NOT SAFE FOR WORK: Documentary maker Ami Horowitz does some research on the question of police killings and is surprised by the answers he found. He then brought those answers to a Black Lives Matter march.