BLM Cares Nothing for Improving Lives of Law-Abiding Americans

by Don

To most of us, all lives, including all Black lives, matter. However, the Black Lives Matter movement only cares about the Black lives (usually Black deaths) that it can use for political advantage.

Related: Black Lives Matter Is a Very Violent and Racist Organization

The Black Lives Matter movement cleverly uses the phrase “Black Lives Matter,” with which everyone agrees, to cover for a Marxist political movement intended, not to benefit Black Americans, but to benefit its and the Democrat Party’s power.

If the Black Lives Matter movement really cared about the alleged systemic racism, they would target the people who control those racist systems. Their first targets would be the Democrat mayors, council members, bureaucracy heads, education commissioners, and other officials who control the allegedly systemic racist systems that persecute blacks. But, they don’t target these people; they’re all on the same Democrat team.

Does the Black Lives Matter movement fight to stop the about 7,000 annual Black-on-Black killings, or to protect the lives of Black police or Black babies in the womb? No! Do they care that Black Lives Matter riots have injured and killed Blacks, looted Black-owned businesses, burned Black-owned cars and buildings, and destroyed Black neighborhoods? No!

Does the Black Lives Matter movement fight for school choice so poor Black children can escape their assigned bad and often dangerous public schools and go to good safe schools? No!

Does the Black Lives Matter movement fight to stop the illegal immigration that harms so many poor Blacks, taking their jobs, depressing their wages, and bringing drugs and other crime to Black neighborhoods? No!

Does the Black Lives Matter movement fight to get the increased policing needed to make all Black neighborhoods safe? No, it demands defunding the police and releasing convicted criminals early which will make dangerous neighborhoods more dangerous.

In recognition, as President Obama said, of the fact that families without fathers present are more likely to live in poverty and have children who drop out of school, do drugs, and go to prison; does the Black Lives Matter movement fight to reduce single parenthood and get fathers to stay with their children? No!

The Black Lives Matter movement only cares when Black people, almost always criminals who victimize other blacks and resist arrest, are injured or killed by police.

The Black Lives Matter movement doesn’t care about improving the lives of law-abiding Americans. It uses a term we all agree with, “Black Lives Matter,” to deceive people into supporting Democrat politicians who will enact its radical Marxist policies that most Americans reject because those policies will destroy our freedoms, prosperity, and civil society.


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