Just imagine where we’d be if Superintendents in New Hampshire were this focused on academic excellence in their public schools!!
Black Lives Matter
BLM In Hudson? … I Know Just What To Do … Here’s The Plan!!!
This is in response to Ann Marie Banfield’s Hudson” Alvirine High School Calls In Black Lives Matter to Meet with Students, which exposed that under the pretext of “diversity” and “inclusion,” Black Lives Matter would be indoctrinating high school students regarding “microaggressions” and “privilege.”
Hartford Has An Activist Problem – Now They Know About it
Warner: Hartford Has An Activist Problem – Now They Know About it
Martin Luther King Jr. famously said:
“Vanity asks the question, ‘Is it popular?’
Expediency asks the question, ‘Is it politic?’
Cowardice asks the question, ‘Is it safe?’
But conscience asks the question, ‘Is it right?’
What Does the DEIJ Director in SAU16 Think About the Jewish Families in the District?
Parents are asking where the SAU16 DEIJ Director stands on political issues. Andres Mejia holds the position of Vice Chair on the board of Seacoast Black Lives Matter, and he serves as the DEIJ director in SAU16.
Not Enough White Men Are Killing Each Other and That’s Racist
When it comes to Democrats, what you get never aligns with the shiny brochure of narratives they sell you – it’s usually the opposite. Take Black Lives Matter. Since the Summer of 2020, The Left couldn’t shut up about it, but since then, black men have been dying at a record-setting pace.
Teaching White Supremacy: Part 1
Donald Yacavone is a self-described scholar and lifetime associate of African American studies at Harvard University. He visited the Norwich Bookstore last week to speak about his new book “Teaching White Supremacy”: America’s Democratic Ordeal and the Forging of Our National Identity”. Having seen the announcement on the Hanover Listserv, I was struck by this … Read more
Meet Stephen Scaer, Candidate for NH Senate, Nashua
My name is Stephen Scaer, and I am running for the NH State Senate in District 13, which encompasses Nashua Wards 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9. I have lived in Nashua for 28 years.
Are Caucasians Victims of Planned Obsolescence?
With all of the negativity surrounding us with the current state of our nation, one questions whether it is a collection of random policies or is there a master plan. I do not want to give the Democrats too much credit by thinking they could be working on a massive, clandestine operation to transform America … Read more
FBI Raid Leads To Prospect of Moving Epstein Island To Mar-a-Lago
In a shocking turn of events, the Federal Bureau of Investigation conducted a surprise raid on the 45th President of the United States Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate. The heavily armed agents were said to have conducted the raid with a warrant issued by the former Epstein attorney turned Judge. The federal agents are in search … Read more
Proud Boys, Free Staters Are Responses to Radical Leftism
Who are these terrible “Free Staters” I keep seeing people write about? Are they rioting, looting, burning, assaulting, or even killing (like the Black Lives Matter/Antifa movements did)? Missed it on the news and like the “Proud Boys,” this names is kind of new and being alleged as somehow huge dangers to Democracy. Really? Where … Read more
Nancy Abudu – From Skadden Arps to the Federal Circuit Court with Shaheen’s and Hassan’s Votes
I received an action alert from FRC, notifying me that the Senate Judiciary Committee is expected to take up the nomination of Nancy Abudu tomorrow!
Maybe It Is Time for BLM to Be Canceled
I have written about the “demands” of the Black Lives Matter group. I can find no other political activist group on either side that so loosely uses such a term. What in God’s name gives anyone the right to demand anything from anyone?
Will SAU16/Exeter DEIJ Director Support the BLM Boycott of White Owned Businesses?
A parent from SAU16/Exeter posted the following screen shot, asking if Andres Mejia, the DEIJ (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice) Director, will be supporting this boycott since he is a member of the Seacoast Black Lives Matter.
Democrat Candidate Who Wants to Abolish the Police Running Unopposed for Nashua Alderman
Jordan Thompson, Director of Black Lives Matter Nashua and Racial Justice Organizer for ACLU-NH, has taken the position that we should “abolish the police” and he is running unopposed for alderman for Nashua Ward 6.
DIE-J Snake Oil Tsunami Strikes Exeter’s School District: The Search for Cognitive Survivors On-going!
At the “Learning about DIE-J” [Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, and Justice] forum in Exeter last week, just after the audience was warned that the police were standing by for anyone shouting for sanity, the Tsunami’s propaganda wave suddenly struck.
Quick Thought: Making the Black Live Matters Narrative “Go South”
I read this aloud on the Live with the Liz radio show because it spoils the Narrative of both the Blame-America-Firsters and Black Lives Matter.
Is This Silence Violence? Democrats have Nothing to Say About Conviction of Dem Donor Ed Buck (For the Overdose Deaths of Two Gay Black Men)
Did I miss it? The press release from gay NH Democrat State Party Chair Ray Buckley quoting Ray his thoughts on a white guy getting convinced in the overdose deaths of two gay black men? No? Is that because the white guy is a prominent Democrat donor?
We Finally Found Some Cops That BLM Doesn’t Want Defunded – In Cuba!
Some organizations here in America can’t help blaming us for every bad thing that happens or has happened in history.
Your Local Antifa: The Black Shirts of Critical Theory
When a woman ripped my wife’s “No Puberty Blockers” sign from her arms and ran away laughing into the Queen City Pride Festival last month, I knew better than to chase.
Data Point – BLM doesn’t believe that Black Lies Matter
The graphic below has the right of it: “This is what BLM is rioting about“. I’m far from being the first but I’m also going to be the far from the last to note – if Black Lives really Mattered, this chart below would be far, FAR different: