Yassar Arafat was a life-long terrorist. He paid people to blow themselves up to kill soldiers and civilians. Most of his life was spent leading a war for the interests of others while pretending it had something to do with his people.
Related: The City of Detroit Sues BLM Protesters for A Coordinated Civil Conspiracy
Pretending earned Arafat the Nobel Peace Prize, and now a leader in the Norwegian Socialist Party has nominated Black Lives Matter for the award.
“Black Lives Matter has become a very important worldwide movement to fight racial injustice,” [Norwegian MP Petter] Eide claimed. “They have had a tremendous achievement in raising global awareness and consciousness about racial injustice.” He argued “they have been able to mobilise people from all groups of society, not just African-Americans, not just oppressed people, it has been a broad movement, in a way which has been different from their predecessors.”
Being nominated by a fellow socialist makes sense. That he would publicly dismiss associated violence is expected. The Marxist omelet requires you to break a few eggs. In the case of BLM, those eggs were minority businesses, jobs, families, and lives. Not just in the course of violence associated with protest but long term through policy demands.
They did “mobilise people from all groups of society.” And it was (and is) a different way. They are using race instead of class, but the goal is still the same. A Socialist liberation movement fomenting police destructive the so-called benefactors of the movement.
Defunding the police has and continues to cause harm to “their people.” Everywhere it has been embraced. Detaching what is left of the traditional family from inner-city communities will deprive minority youth of opportunity and personal growth, trapping them in a world of crime and violence.
It is a price BLM (like Arafa) is willing to make “their people” pay.
What mattered to BLM and Arafat (while he lived and his predecessors later) is that violence is necessary to achieve the promised result of peace. Not actual peace but the statistical destruction of some perceived enemy. Ethnic or ideological cleansing.
A world with little or no resistance to whatever ideas they can imagine.
Extortion, intimidation, threats, and acts of violence are all on the table. There can nor will there be peace. Ceasefires are strategic opportunities to regroup and rebuild.
And this would not be the first time the Nobel Committee has awarded a peace prize to someone with no intention of leaving you in peace until they got their way – groups created by a common motivation. Socialist insurrection disguised as a liberation movement with or without direct influence from Socialist/Communist agitators.
The Nobel Committee gave it to Arafat, and now a socialist has suggested they give it to BLM.
Neither of them deserves it.