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It’s EASY to Make Shared Misery “Equitable”! – Part 4

When the other side resorts and is left only with ad hominem retorts, it’s a WIN! Especially as you remain cool, collected, and drawing merely on foundational principles via example.

Strings attached Business People Connected By Strings

Will Republican Gov. Chris Sununu Sell out NH’s Sovereignty for a Bucket of Biden Bucks?

Right on schedule, just like I knew would happen, along comes NH Governor Chris “Baby Huey” Sununu to show us where his heart is – he is ready to take Biden’s COVID bribe and toss NH under the bus.

Electric car charging

Progressives in MA Wants to Drag NH Back into the 18th Century

California has set a goal of an all-electric car future despite its awful energy policy, rolling blackouts, and begging owners to charge EVs at night. But what About Massachusetts? They’ve made a similar leap, but they’re on the same grid as New Hampshire.

Surfside FL condo collapse screen grab

Some Thoughts on the Surfside Florida Building Collapse and Occupational Licensing

This writer, born and raised on the West Coast of Florida, and who ended up, much to his surprise, practicing law in Miami for about 40 years before finally being able to escape to New Hampshire (where he had been visiting frequently over that 40 year period), has some thoughts about the tragic collapse of … Read more

A Cultural Despotism Enforced by Dependent-Mobs of State-Manufactured Mercenaries

In England, the dissolution of the Monasteries by the State increased public begging. The monasteries, you see, acting as private, voluntary charities, had long tended to the needs of the truly impoverished and downtrodden at their discretion.


More Royal Decrees for Sununu’s Long Emergency

Sununu is at it again, issuing yet more of his unconstitutional Royal Decrees. In the 51 weeks (so far) of his Long Emergency, he’s signed 86 Emergency Orders and 28 Executive Orders. Here are the latest two.

Floating Wind farm

‘Green Leap Forward’

In the book Mao’s Great Famine, author Frank Dikötter describes in vivid detail the period between 1958 and 1962 where an estimated 45 million Chinese people were worked, starved, or beaten to death in a mad rush to overtake the Western world as measured by agricultural and industrial outputs.

Israel Flag

Trump Does it Again – Morocco and Israel to Resume Diplomatic Relations

Lost in the hubbub (and bub) of elections, covidism, and breaking local news comes a bright moment to lighten your Friday. Maybe. Donald Trump (Still your president) announced a peace deal between Israel and Morrocco.

American, National or Global Positions

CNN: Dominion and Smartmatic – “Democracy For Sale”

Wake up America!  The massive voter fraud that took place in 2020 did not happen overnight.  The integrity of American elections has been in question for at least 15 years… and the Dominion and Smartmatic voting machines at the heart of the 2020 election issues are connected.

Money down the toilet

Hold on To Your Wallets – New England’s Governors Promising Regional Energy Improvements

New England has energy infrastructure issues. But none of them will be resolved by this. “Vermont Governor Phil Scott and governors from four Northeast states today issued a statement calling for reforms needed to achieve their states’ respective goals for clean, affordable, and reliable electricity.”

Dave Testerman

N.H. Democrats have found new ways to define ‘germane’ to finish the Session out

This week [actually, last week – I’m late again  -Skip], the N.H. House had the second, and last, of the unique sessions this year that were designed to accommodate our capitulation to the pandemic. We held it at the Whittemore Center. Unfortunately they didn’t have the Zamboni running to clear the arena.


Appeasement, “tail between your legs”, and begging is JUST the look for Democrat Mayor Frey

Jacob Frey is the Mayor of Minneapolis. The city that decided to go for Mogadishu (Somalia) Gold right after one of his officers allegedly killed George Floyd by kneeling on his neck. He’s starting to make Prince “locked in Meghan’s testicle lockbox” Harry look surprisingly manly.

forest trees prevent wildfire

UK Plan to Mitigate CO2 By Planting Millions of Trees Could Actually Make Matters Worse

Decades of being wrong about everything has not stopped the Climate Cult across the Pond from seeking solutions to the non-problem of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The Brits are determined to fix what’s not broken, so they want to plant 11 million trees. But they worry that might make matters worse.

Ocean Plastic Garbage Patch Kids

Pacific Ocean Plastic Garbage Patch Kids Come Back (Essentially) Empty Handed

Is there “plastic in the ocean? Yes. Is it the ecological catastrophe advertised? Nothing ever is, so please learn this and live it. Every single emotional plea or legislative exercise from the left is to solve one and only one problem. You having more control over how your money is spent than the government.

Natural gas gast stove Photo by KWON JUNHO on Unsplash

In Other Middle Eastern News – Israel Is Now a Natural Gas Energy Superpower

Natural Gas is the sensible energy source for the future. It’s cheap, clean, abundant, and you can’t run a wind or solar fame without it. And Israel just put its massive Tamar Offshore Natural Gas field online, which “holds an estimated 8.5 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.”

Lying Lizzie Is Going Carbon Neutral

Lying Lizzie Is Going Carbon Neutral

Socialist broom rider Lying Lizzie says; in her reign, America will build no new buildings unless they are carbon neutral. That should be very reassuring to no one. There are no industry standards for carbon-neutral construction. This is political posturing, first last and always.

Chris Sununu

NH Gov. Chris Sununu Say No to TCI or Embracing any Sort of Regional Gas Tax

As Skip noted earlier today, we’ve got a lot of coverage on the proposed Transportation Climate Initiative. Summed up, “It’s a Trap.” An abrogation of taxing power and electoral accountability to distant climate ministers you cannot vote out of office. But we have good news. Gov. Chris Sununu says, no way.

To Eat or Turn On the Lights, Heat, Charge the Car?

Doesn’t wind power seem to be the path to a carbon-free energy future? It’s clean and abundant. Larger turbines have enhanced wind’s power-generating capacity. It’s all good right? Well maybe not so much. Wind energy has grown thanks largely to billions of dollars of production tax credits. That’s a tax , regulatory, and affordability issue. … Read more

Best Travel Insurance Services

Regardless of whether your outing is well-arranged or unconstrained, one thing ought to dependably be on your must-have list. Giving you a genuine feeling of serenity all through the adventure, travel protection will enable you to cover impromptu costs if any disasters happen. We have made this movement protection administrations audit to enable you … Read more

“The GraniteGrok Full Employment Act” – SB106

And this here in the “Live Free or Die” State – King Dan Feltes wants to put duct tape on your mouth. All three of these (enumerated below) Constitutional protections to your right to Free Speech in matters political are under attack in SB106 sponsored by NH State Senator Dan Feltes to protect himself (and … Read more