Trump Does it Again – Morocco and Israel to Resume Diplomatic Relations

Steve MacDonald

Lost in the hubbub (and bub) of elections, covidism, and breaking local news comes a bright moment to lighten your Friday. Maybe. Donald Trump (Still your president) announced a peace deal between Israel and Morrocco.

Related: More Peace in the Middle East – Trump Negotiates a Deal with Israel and Bahrain

Getting Arabs and Israeli’s to get along has been a challenge to which Trump has risen, notching successive victories to settle down the region. Always to get the US troops out of there – ending endless wars as it were – since we don’t need their oil, thanks only to Donald Trump.

Democrats plan to skewer that ASAP and put us back on the road to dependency. This would make the oil-rich Arab states and long-time foreign enemies our energy masters once again. It will end thousands of jobs and redirect wealth offshore, even though the last time I checked, Democrats opposed “offshoring.”

We’ll also be spending billions paying for Chinese-made solar panels and wind machines we can gasp at in awe after the sun rises – the rolling blackouts will make them difficult to see at night.

I seem to have gotten a bit off track (or have I?). The Times of Israel reports that,

In a statement, Moroccan sovereign King Mohammad VI says Morocco intends to “resume official bilateral contacts and diplomatic relations [with Israel] as soon as possible.”

King Mohammad says that Morocco will take three moves in the near future. First, facilitating direct flights to transport Jews of Moroccan origin and Israeli tourists to and from Morocco. The North African nation will also seek to “resume official bilateral ties and diplomatic relations [with Israel] as soon as possible.”

Morocco will also seek “to develop innovative relationships in the economic and technological fields. As part of this goal, there will be work on renewing liaison offices in the two countries, as was the case in the past for many years, until 2002,” King Mohammad says.

He thanks US President Donald Trump for recognizing Moroccan sovereignty over the disputed region of Western Sahara, which observers believe was done as a quid pro quo in exchange for normalization.

I’m trying to imagine a way in which Democrats will screw this up should they rise to rule the Executive branch. They’ve no love for Israel or interest in changing the power structure in the region. Biden, like Obama, was happy with an ascendant Iran.

I think that’s bad for everyone, not just Israel, so I expect that’s the path they’ll take. How everyone else in the ‘Middle’ response will determine if these fledgling peace deals can stand the pressure Trump relieved when he challenged the Mullahs. A pressure Biden will release if given the opportunity.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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