The NH Sierra Club Hates the Biomass Bailout Bill – Wait Till You Hear Why?

Catherine Corkery and James McCaffrey have an Op-Ed in today’s Union Leader supporting the veto of SB 365 and opposing an override by the New Hampshire Legislature. Corkery is the director of the NH Sierra Club and McCaffery is the “New England legislative director of the Partnership for Policy Integrity.” PFPI is an environmental action group … Read more

New Hampshire is the 2nd Most Free State In America

For only the sixth time since 2000 CATO has ranked New Hampshire as the second Most Free State in the US. We were number one all the other times. Unfortunately, this is the third year in a row at number two, and while CATO examines that there is still plenty of good news (not that … Read more

Data Point – Where is our electricity coming from?

The labeled horizontal lines on these charts aim to give a sense of perspective on electricity consumption levels across the world. For example, in the chart below a very large hydro or nuclear plant could produce enough electricity to meet the demands of 100 million people in Ghana; a large hydro, nuclear, or coal plant … Read more

NH LSRs rated by sponsor ratings – Part 1

From a good friend of the ‘Grok comes an interesting list. He took the time to take all of the LSRs (Legislative Service Requests – future bills that are put into the legislative hopper that will be textually fleshed out later with the specifics) that have been turned in, examined who the legislators were that … Read more

President Trump’s inauguration address

I happened to be off work today so this being the Day of The End of an Error, I made sure that I watched the event.  My initial takeaway is that this was the antithesis of Barack Obama’s Presidency.  I think its theme, America First (and screw the references back to WWII and Charles Limbergh … Read more

Trump Transition goes after Dept. Of Energy – what do you do? DOE: screw you to their new bosses

I first saw the questionaire that the Trump Transition over at WWUT (Watts Up With That?) – somebody did their homework very, VERY well.  From my standpoint, it is WELL overdue to start asking serious and very pointed questions of the Federal bureaucracy about what they do, why they do it, how much it is … Read more

A Complete List of Things Caused by Global Warming

This is useful and entertaining. It includes links to things that the authors have claimed are a result of Global Warming or will be caused by it. There is also a dead links list below, that includes things caused by Global warming but for which the link is no longer active–but someone made the claim in print … Read more

Denmark Can No Longer Afford its Green Energy Utopia

This is amusing, The cost of Denmark’s renewable energy policy has been too high, according to Denmark’s climate and energy minister Lars Christian Lilleholt The minister made the statement in response to a report by the climate and energy ministry to parliament which shows that subsidies for offshore windfarms – which are paid by businesses … Read more

Communitarianism vs Free Market

Yes, once again I trekked over to Treehugger for a post that complained that IF Congress failed to renew the wind and solar tax credits, up to 100,000 jobs would be lost.  Well being the Free Marketeer that I am, I could not let that go and waded into the comments.  A couple of them … Read more

CloseUP – Rough notes on former MD Gov Martin O’Malley

“No Martin O’Malley, the beauty of our country came from the radical ideas that WE individuals were sovereign and not some aristocracy (elected or born), that we were a nation of The Rule of Law where the Law was guided by and subject to our Constitution, and that WE The People make the decisions for … Read more

Tropical Depression Could Hit Outer Banks Hard on July 4th

Joe Bastardi at Watts up With That We are faced with a potential nightmare.. a tropical cyclone coming at the outer banks on the July 4 weekend. I already have this as an 80 knot storm by July 4th, right on top of the North Carolina coast. That represents the mid ground of a fear … Read more

519 “Well Sourced” Examples of Barrack Obama’s Lying, Corruption, Law-Breaking, and Cronyism

Someone, bless their heart, has compiled a well-sourced (their words) list of 519 examples of Barack Obama’s lying, corruption, law-breaking and cronyism. I am posting it as is with the understanding that it may take me days or even weeks to go through it, if I ever do manage to get through it. I encourage … Read more

Bad News For Obamamobiles

One of the best things about ignoring all the hype and just using common sense is when you are proven right.  The only thing better than that is when the Kool-aid® drinkers start to realize that you were right as well.  What the heck am I talking about?  Electric cars. For close to five years, … Read more

Tyranny #3 – Minimum wage isn’t about economics – it’s about “Community”, dontcha know?

“All one community…“ Of all the reasons to raise a minimum wage (leaving aside for the moment, the utter crassness of know-it-all politicians who believe they know what’s best for the health of a company, especially a small biz in this economy, than the owners do), this has GOT to be one of the stupidest: … Read more

Your government floods the AM band with public service announcements (PSA’s).  Back in the day I used to have to read them when I did radio in High School.   We didn’t have them pre-recorded.  But now they have them canned and you can just play them with a mouse click or program them into the … Read more

There is a difference between the Free Market and the Government Market

And TreeHugger decided to demonstrate that, with clueless irony, all on their own.  Yes, one more from TreeHugger that shows that Environmentalism has really left its roots of DOING environmental work and very much all about getting Big Government and its big teat (and very much, dependent on that teat) to do it instead as … Read more

A Tale of Two Cities: Detroit and Houston

GOOD READ below, from from National Review. You can subscribe to National Review HERE (I do; well worth it). Houston, We Have a Solution A tale of two cities BY MARIO LOYOLA  On a warm Saturday evening in June 1943, crowds were relaxing on Belle Isle, a retreat slightly larger than New York’s Central Park nestled in the … Read more

NIBYs and BANANAs – Oh My!

Doug forwarded this link about the Northern Pass foo-foo.  My instant response was this: I dunno about Jeanie, but at some point, all the NIBY’s and BANANAs will force us all to wood heat and kerosene -> and not by our choice. But it may be their choice. Not In My Backyard.         Build Absolutely Nothing … Read more

Stop START then re-START

New Hampshire Senator Jeanne Shaheen chews up a large chunk of the Sunday Union Leader’s opinion page to sell us on president Obama’s START treaty with Russia. Most of the words revolve around suggesting this will enhance security, that it is a good deal for America, and that there at least a busload of experts, past and current military, former Secretaries of State, ex=presidents and sundry others who agree that this Treaty should be ratified. But few things stand between taking this at face value and moving forward on her recommendation.

More Stupid Environmentalist Notions

Liberals say the dumbest things. A few days ago we read that a number of activists are trying to terminate the license renewal for Seabrook Nuclear power plant because, they insist, renewable sources will become available to replace the power Seabrook currently generates.