Bernie Sanders. It is no coincidence that his initials are, “B.S.” I cannot figure out if he is dumb, ignorant or both. Bernie Sanders never held a real job in life. Bernie Sanders’ first stable paycheck came by way of election to the office of mayor for Burlington Vermont.
Rick Olson
We’re Not Coming For Your Guns
common-sense gun safety?
“Nobody is coming to take your Guns.” Who said it? Actually, I should ask, “Who said it first?” Here in the Granite State, The answer would be most of the Democratic Candidates who have run for public office within the last ten years. The short answer is that nearly everybody said it.
Yet, here they are, marching toward full gun control and full registration of firearms. History is a mindful teacher, telling us that eventual gun confiscation will follow. Looking back fifty or more years, we witnessed this in England, Australia and most recently, New Zealand.
Of Harpies and Hoplophobes
The Bloomberg Harpies and Hoplophobes are at it again. “Ravenous Gun Culture?” Who in the heck thought that descriptor up? [insert laughy faces here…three]. That descriptor is the best I have seen all year! Merriam Webster defines, “Ravenous,” as,” extremely hungry, assuming one is talking about food. I don’t think that is accurate.
Intellectual Takeout Crashes the Blogosphere Car on Father’s Day
Today is Sunday, June 16, 2019: Father’s Day. A day where Americans celebrate and honor fathers and celebrate fatherhood, paternal bonds and the influence of fathers in society. Well, Almost.
Bernie Sanders is not a Hypocrite
Bernie Sanders is a millionaire. Indeed. From Bum to millions, the laziest, most useless man in America is running to be the leader of the free world. Sanders earned over 1.7 Million in the last two years and owns three homes, despite never having a real job or ever earning a livable wage. Where did Bernie get his, “free lunch,” break? Politics. We all know this so there is no point in pouring over the details.
People now call Bernie Sanders a hypocrite for extolling the virtues of the capitalist system. Bernie wrote a book, got it published, made the New York Times Best Seller List and raked in the dough that followed. The book eschews the wealthy as evil and schemes to take their wealth. Bernie unwittingly extolls the virtues of capitalism and encourages others to do the same. Irony.
Gun Grabbers, Dr Seuss-Style
6 Years ago (May 3, 2013) with a little time on my hands, I wrote this doggerel based on Dr Seuss Books. I thought it might be a welcome side note to all this turmoil we now face.
Where did the Liberal “Gun Nuts” Go?
Left Wing Gun Nuts. Where did they go? Where are they hiding? Why are they so silent? Six years ago…Specifically, March 18, 2013 I posted, “The “Gun Nuts” Liberals Pretend Do Not Exist.” In that Grok article I wrote,
The Champagne Socialist like Bloomberg, Feinstein and other sorts on the left fund visceral hoplophobic attacks on America’s second amendment supporters. And within that anti-gun clique lives a band of left-wing, “gun nuts.” liberals who own and advocate for the second amendment. The left embraces them and when these “gun nuts” start talking; the left sticks their fingers in their ears and yells, La-la-la-la-la! Oh, How inconvenient…
Draft Dodging Cowards
D. Allan Kerr takes to the pages of the Seacoast Online to call President Trump a, “Draft Dodging Coward.” This is rather timely in the wake of the Mueller Investigation concluding last week. It is admirable how tenacious these left wing scumbags can be when a particular event does not go their way.
Kerr, in his rant barely glosses over Bill Clinton, but the fact is the list of draft-dodgers, now serving in Congress is considerable.
Take Dick Durbin, for example. There is literally no mention anywhere of his student deferments. Almost none. Durbin never served in the armed forces and is first in line to call those who have, Nazi’s.
Sherry Frost Doth Protests Too Much
State Representative Sherry Frost is the gift that keeps on giving. I pray for her every night that she remains healthy and active. The fact is seeing her foibles, gaffs and guffaws are priceless. Politics is ugly these days so I always look forward to a good laugh. Many of her intense tweets have left me howling with laughter. Frosty never disappoints. Sherry Frost protests again!
This weekend provides yet another broad array of misguided quixotic color commentary to our entertainment repertoire. Frost takes to the pages of Foster’s Daily Democrat and declares,
Leftist Pseudonym Writers
Pseudonyms. Fake Names. False Information brokers. “I’ll take irrational people that run publications for one-hundred, Alex.” Yes Indeed. I do believe the Seacoast Online has indeed created a pseudonym in order to put forth a narrative. On Friday, March 15 Seacoast Online posted a Letter to the editor, penned by one “Dr. Linda Rhodes, Durham, … Read more
Fudds are all around us. What is a Fudd? A Fudd is a gun-owner who supports and sometimes advocates for traditional hunting guns but favors gun controls and the banning of other guns such as handguns, tactical rifles, standard capacity magazines. These people misguidedly call said magazines, “high capacity” because they hold more than ten rounds.
These Democrats in Concord are Numb Nuts
Right now, the Granite State is under siege from a barrage of gun control measures presently under consideration in the legislature. Gun control measures that are more reflective of states like Massachusetts, California, Maryland, Illinois and New York City. There is a bill for Universal Background checks (ah, but they do not call it that because they are liars). There is a seven-day waiting period bill and worst of all, a red flag law bill.
New Hampshire Democrats Endeavor to Disarm the Populace
The advocacy for gun control marches on in the Granite State. Since the Democrats gained a majority in both the New Hampshire House and Senate, they have made gun control a top legislative priority. Gun control measures that are more reflective of New York, New Jersey or Connecticut. The Left wants this. They can taste it. But why?
Bullies: Teach Your Kids How to Deal With Bullies Because the Schools Will Not
School Anti-Bullying Programs do not work. In many cases, it appears as incidences of bullying have increased. A 2012 study published in the Journal of Criminology suggests that the anti-bullying programs, now popular in many schools may not be useful. Seven thousand kids at 195 different schools were examined and the authors found that schools with anti-bullying programs were more likely to experience bullying than children who attended schools without such programs.
In Manchester New Hampshire, two instances of assaults were video recorded by students of other students
Unhinged and Unstable Equals Dangerous
The Democrat Party is unhinged. Unstable leftists are listening. It has become dangerous to be a Republican or a Conservative. With Maxine Waters’ caustic rhetoric, Violence is now all but inevitable. Unhinged is the 69-Year-Old College Professor in Las Vegas who shot himself because he doesn’t like Trump. Left-wing Nut job James Hodgkinson shot Rep. … Read more
Toxic. Most reasonable people understand toxic individuals generally ruin every relationship, personal and professional, in their lives. There is no reasoning with toxic individuals. These people are automatons, narcissists and control freaks. Not getting one’s own way means destroying everyone or everything around them to achieve that end. Toxic people squander trust and credibility. Narcissism on full public display.
Pro-Gun Groups in New Hampshire who hold themselves as advocates for the Second Amendment have had a long and storied history of rivalry during political seasons and campaign efforts. Indeed, there has been general disagreement on semantics, such as wording of bills, how concepts are articulated, presented, and how to bring the political machine around to a particular point of view. Eventually though, the dust does settle and the groups get on the same page, or return to their corners at least long enough to get the ball across the finish line on behalf of the Second Amendment. The confluence of the groups has always been a push-pull, tug or tow effort, but at the end of the day, we all seem to rally around the right to keep and bear arms.
Let Teachers Be Armed..But Lets Not ‘Arm Teachers’
This is one of those rare occasions where I depart company with my fellow Groksters. This is hard for me to do. But it is one of those rare…very rare times where I sit here and think, “Guys, I happen to think I am right here!” Eddie is right on this issue. Here’s the deal…
Eddie Edwards is the candidate I am going to support. I hope at the end of September 11, he will be the Republican nominee. Eddie is SOLIDLY pro-second amendment. Eddie is anti-big government. Please see this video for proper perspective.
Defensive Urban Rifle with John Farnam
Every So often its just plain fun to post something that makes the Anti-Gun Left go into category five meltdown. So one week from Saturday, Londonderry Fish & Game Club will be hosting John Farnam for Defensive Urban Rifle Class. That is Saturday, September 15 and Sunday September 16 for the Moms Demand crowd. Many … Read more
Bob Burns: CD-2 Paper Maché Second Amendment Candidate
Paper Maché. Most of us did Paper Maché when we were in grade school. We blew up balloons, dipped strips of Newspaper into wheat paste and stuck them to the balloon to create some figure…a Pinata, perhaps, that we filled with Candy and later destroyed. People do creative things with Paper Maché. I once made a Dala Horse when I was about 12.
Paper Maché is great stuff for arts and crafts, but frankly it sucks for making anything else useful in life. Paper Mache is fun. Thats all. And Paper Maché candidates look great, sound great, and are fun, but frankly they are useless.
When not running for office, you won’t find a Second Amendment Paper mache candidate within miles of anything guns or Second Amendment.