Carbon Upfront!

“F This I’m Done With You” – Part 2

Lloyd’s been on a roll/rant about Trump and the tariffs he threatened to put on Canada, wailing and decrying what it was going to do to HIS country’s economy – economic Armageddon. He’s also been on a kick about Degrowth – the far Left Eco-Socialism fantasy that we can kill off 7 billion people and … Read more

Carbon Upfront!

When Is a Tariff Not a Tariff?

Riffing off my previous post about Trump (and us) being called a fascist over at “Lessons from the past about how to deal with American tariffs” I had ended it by admitting that I riled up the proprietor of Carbon Upfront!, Lloyd Alter over how Trump used the threat of a tariff against Canada and … Read more

Trump mug shot

TDS Variants

For the last nine years, we have witnessed the evolution of the social pathology known as Trump Derangement Syndrome, or TDS. Numerous memes have circulated on the web featuring TDS victims in various stages of the ailment, from the motor and verbal tics, more commonly associated with Tourette syndrome, to the violent behavior most widely associated with sociopathy.

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Di Lothrop

Lighten Up, Chuck!

This response from Di Lothrop concerns a Letter to the Editor from former NH Supreme Court Justice, Chuck Douglas.  Both are reproduced below.  -Skip

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Trump-Deranged Democrat State Rep Claims President Trump Using Coronavirus to Kill Democrats

Don’t believe me? See for yourself: Yes, in the alternative progressive-universe Rep Deb Asshat (aka Altschiller) lives, President Trump is making doctors determine your political affiliation and deny you medical care for coronavirus if you are a Democrat: “#coronavirus doesn’t care what party you belong to, but the POTUS does.” Imagine being so Trump-Deranged that … Read more

Laconia Daily Sun

Blackmail, treachery, and Quid Pro Quo by the Democrats

I see that my local paper, the Laconia Daily Sun, is still printing those stupid hate Trump cartoons. This time Santa’s bringing down Trump. Well, not likely, as the Grinch Pelosi is holding onto the impeachment papers, trying to blackmail the Senate into conducting a Schiff-like kangaroo court over there.

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Unhappy Hippy

Keene City Councilor Feels Helpless Because of the Trump Rally in Manchester

This has to be the Nut Job story of the week! You just cannot make this stuff up! Keene City Ward 3 City Councilor Terry M. Clark sends an email to the city of Manchester stating as follows:

“I am a city councilor in Keene, and I am very concerned that President Trump is coming to New Hampshire to hold a rally that could spawn the same type of violence that we have just seen in El Paso, Texas…”

It would appear Councilor Clark has appointed himself the emissary of the looney left and now lays all responsibility squarely at the feet of the President. All blame for the Nut Jobs who commit heinous acts of extreme violence. He then goes on to ask in the email: (Full email at the bottom)

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trump student Ciretta MacKenzie

UPDATED: Trump Derangement Syndrome Hits Epping High School

Yesterday, the Union Leader reported on a disturbing story out of Epping, New Hampshire where a young teen at Epping High School was forced to cover her Trump t-shirt by the principal of the school. Why? Trump Derangement Syndrome. From the Union Leader: High school freshman Ciretta MacKenzie didn’t think it would be a problem … Read more

Leftist Pseudonym Writers

Pseudonyms. Fake Names. False Information brokers. “I’ll take irrational people that run publications for one-hundred, Alex.” Yes Indeed. I do believe the Seacoast Online has indeed created a pseudonym in order to put forth a narrative. On Friday, March 15 Seacoast Online posted a Letter to the editor, penned by one “Dr. Linda Rhodes, Durham, … Read more

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