Chris “Sun-King” Sununu Is A Trump-Deranged Nincompoop

Chris “Sun-King” Sununu thinks he is the smartest person in the room … that his intellect is so far superior to the ordinary Volk that he can make them believe anything. He is NOT. He is a nincompoop. A Trump-deranged nincompoop.

For example, His Majesty thinks he can make you believe that our open borders are Trump’s fault, not Biden’s:



The truth is that Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell, the globalist/corporatist RINO leaders of the House and Senate (Mikey Graham would call them “traditional Republicans”) refused to fund a wall because they and their ilk, which includes His Majesty Sun-King Sununu, support open borders because they represent the GOP donor class, not GOP voters.

Sun-King’s claim that Biden would have been powerless to open the Southern border if The Wall had been completed before he took the oath of office is totally preposterous. Once Biden, with incidentally a major assist from RINO frauds like Sun-King Sununu, took the oath as President, he assumed total control of the border.

Here is more nonsensical bloviation. The Sun-King, who obviously is incapable of original thought or argument, pushing the neocon/globalist lie that their war against Russia is to save the world from Putin :



The truth of the matter is that Putin could take all of Ukraine if that were the goal. The Ukrainian Armed Forces has been decimated. Putin’s goal, obviously, is not to use Ukraine as a springboard to conquering all of Europe but to create a buffer zone against NATO. The peace deal he negotiated with Ukraine at the outset of military operations, which the Biden-Regime undermined, shows that.

What’s “nonsense” is to claim, as the Sun-King does, that unless you support continuing to pour hundreds of billions into the military-industrial complex under the pretext of defending Ukraine’s border (at the very time the UniParty is allowing an invasion at our Southern border),  you are an “isolationist” or “Putin’s puppet” or some other puerile neocon pejorative.


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