Sun-King Sununu Scolds His Subjects … You Embarrassed Me By Cheering For Trump

The arrogance of Sun-King Sununu knows no bounds. He really does consider himself anointed by some woke-deity or deities rather than an elected public servant. Here he is scolding his subjects … we’re not citizens to Sun-King, but subjects … for “embarrassing” him by cheering for Trump at the CNN “town hall.”

And … by the way … Sun-King said this to JEN PSAKI … former Biden-regime propagandist and current MSNBC propagandist JEN PSAKI. Apparently, Sun-King’s narcissism is so over the top that he can’t see the tragic irony of calling us embarrassing while groveling at PSAKI’s feet for a pat on the royal scalp and an “attaboy.”

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