For all of the Democrat yammering about getting money out of politics…

by Skip

First we had the newly minted millionaire Bernie Sanders grumbling about billionaires Tom Steyer and now Michael Bloomberg in the Democrat Primary. And now millionaire Elizabeth “You didn’t build that” Warren is doing the same thing: Warren Slams Bloomberg 2020 Run: Billionaires Shouldn’t ‘Come and Buy Elections’ Democratic 2020 candidate Elizabeth Warren took aim at … Read more

Tom Steyer

Tom Steyer – fulfilling Steve’s predictions each and every day

by Skip

Steve’s written about Democrat billionaire (who made much of his money off of fossil fuels, the hypocrite) who has spent millions on his NexGen college organizing outfit here and here.  This is a follow on to those posts and could almost be a Blogline of the Day, sorta sideways: “Most amusing: Tom Steyer, who’s been … Read more

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