Quaran Muslims Islam

Good Hate, Bad Love

“Love” is thought of as a virtue, while “hate” is considered a vice. But not all forms of love are good, and not all hates are bad. If you love to set buildings on fire, molest children, or steal, these are obviously bad loves. If you hate racism, sexism, or injustices of all sorts, then these are good hates.

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Chains links sunlight

The Anachronism of Apostasy

Whereas the practice of slavery enslaves the body, the dogma of apostasy ensnares the mind. Whereas slavery is a shameful practice of the past, some shameless religionists still use the doctrine of apostasy to intimidate and severely punish people who elect to choose their own beliefs.

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American flag america

Who Is Right?

The reality is, We the People live in a fantasy world and are under the assumption that everything will be all right. But it won’t. Who is right? We, individual Americans, often, are outmanned and outgunned against the powerful globalists who are in charge.

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An Open Letter to Jennifer Horn

“And that’s the real reason you’re a NeverTrumper, isn’t it, Jennifer? You like the limelight. You like the fawning enemedia attention praising you” AND SO I BEGIN… It’s been some years since I attended any NHGOP events. This absence has been a combination of both having higher priorities – family, for a large part – … Read more

Understanding Muslim Use of Common Words and Phrases

The Left and Islam are Totalitarian

The left and Islam are totalitarian, they are allies and that is cause for concern. Political correctness has its own rules. The iron law of political correctness and cultures is that all cultures are equally valid. One culture is not better than another. The blasphemy of this is saying our civilization of art, sculpture, painting, … Read more

Islam Hates the West… What’s the right Response?

Do you believe that a reform of Islam is necessary? Perhaps the questions are: Is Islamic reform possible? And if it is possible how can it be accomplished? Only Muslims can make reform a reality. Knowing the questions does not solve the problem We in the West cannot remain on the sidelines. It is not … Read more

Muslim Assimilation… Part 4 of 4

One slice at a time… Muslims intend to establish the Sharia civilization in a thousand small steps. Think of the method like slicing salami. You slice it one thin piece at a time. Here’s an example of the small slice approach: Since the founding members of the U.S. Congress were barred from wearing head coverings. … Read more

Islam Requires You to Submit

Muhammad preached in Mecca for 13 years converting about 150 people to Islam. Then he moved to Medina becoming a politician and war lord. In the first two years at Medina, every Jew was murdered, enslaved or exiled. Once in Medina, on average about every six weeks, Muhammad and his followers were involved in an … Read more

Sharia: Allah’s Will… Past, Present and Future

Islam is a complete civilization. It has a detailed political and legal code. That code is called the Sharia. It is an all-encompassing way of life. Sharia is the Islamic tool which takes everything about each subject and codifies it into an ordered system. What Sharia covers… Every aspect of life finds a place in Sharia. … Read more

Sharia is about the Non-believers… Mostly

Sharia is important subject matter. One must understand Sharia to understand Islam. It is a fatal mistake to get wrapped up in the parsing of words about Sharia. The danger is in missing the basic truths of what Islamic civilization requires. How to understand Islam… There is nothing equivalent to Sharia in western culture. To understand … Read more

Welcome to Islamic State of North America

If Islam were to become dominant; what would America’s reality look like? We know creation of an Islamic State means imposition of a theocratic totalitarian government. This theocracy is religious state government with centralized control by an autocratic, authoritarian, dictatorial, despotic hierarchy under one ruler. According to an Art Moore World News Daily article a … Read more

Islam or Western Values

The U.S. counterterrorism strategy is an unwinnable global game of whack-a-mole. It has been focused on the most prevalent terrorist threat at a given moment. It fails to target the source, the ideology fueling the rise of the threats. There is less need of a strategy calling for massive American military deployment. There is more need … Read more

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