Iran: Female Cartoon Characters Should Wear Hijab “because of the consequences of not doing so”

Can we add this to the Party of Women’s mixed message on the Islamic Republic of Iran? Not known for its reverence of biological females (they imprison or kill pretenders), Iran has issued a new fatwa from the Supreme Leader’s desk, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Related: A Pandering Progressive “Show of Support” For the Institutional Oppression of Women.

He’s the guy to whom Obama shipped a planeload of cash because of sanctions prohibiting the use of the banking system. That guy, Khamenei, has decreed that female cartoon characters on Iranian television should wear hijab. Why? Because of the consequences of not doing so.


In what the Tasnim News Agency described as an “important” response, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said that technically it was not necessary for cartoon characters to observe the same rules as real people when it came to the hijab. However, he added that they should do so “because of the consequences of not doing so.”


What, you ask (if you are not familiar) are the consequences?

Ask a Democrat woman. I’m serious. Given that Whoever is Running the Biden Administration (WRBA) plans to return America to the Obama-Era brotherhood-with-Iran strategy, these ladies should be able to articulate in detail what can happen to women living under sharia if they go outside without hijab.

You know what, we’ll help because those elected Democrat women may only know the approved messaging.

There is no limit to the potential abuse. A woman who ignores Islamic law is guilty of the highest sin and will be cast into hell.

While still alive (if even barely), they can be beaten, raped, imprisoned, or (in extreme cases) murdered. The man or men who do these things in these societies are not guilty of crimes; they are doing – as required – the will of Allah.

These are now crimes that can be committed by animators (presumably all men) who do not draw female cartoon characters without wearing a hijab.

A practice that some Western women like to emulate in real life that they mistakenly refer to as solidarity. This is like advocating a form of oppression, slavery, domestic, and cultural abuse while insulting them at the same time.

You can take that headscarf off in public at any time without fear of being arrested, imprisoned, or physically abused. Methods of suppression you (ironically?) embrace concerning the words and ideas of your political opponents.

You would punish them for thinking or saying things that contradict your (for lack of a better reference) Progressive Sharia. Your cultural and political law. It is the same messaging that prevents you from speaking or admitting the truth.

And again, ironically, your victims include women, children, minorities, and members of the LGBT community who fail to obey you. The very people you claim to champion are being intimidated by your “morality police” into compliance as if you are Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei passing out fatwas.

The only obvious difference between Iran’s supremacy ideology and the modern Democrat Party’s is that the Mullahs are not pretending to defend someone’s right while openly punishing them as unbelievers.

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