Desert dry sand heat tree Photo by Jordi Vich Navarro on Unsplash

State Rep Damond Ford Doesn’t Know Much About History

They may call themselves Democrats. But they are Communists. Needless to say, they would deny being Communists. Indeed, they would roll their eyes and scoff at the suggestion. Yet their goal of “transforming” America by making it more “diverse,” “equitable,” “inclusive,” blah, blah, blah, is simply the latest manifestation of Stalin’s purges, Mao’s Cultural Revolution, Pol Pot’s re-education, etc.

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Kamala Stays Or Lose The Black Vote

The strength of your character is far less important than the color of your skin. That is the belief of the Democrat Party, and for a group of people who love to apply labels, you are a flaming bunch of racists. The Democrats, specifically the Progressives, know this election is slipping away. The Biden policies are failing the American people, and the polls continue to point toward a disastrous 2024.

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Odds and ends misc clutter

Quick Takes – A Hat Trick + One

1. Shortages.

I was at the grocery store and I overheard three of the senior people – decades of experience – talking about how it’s harder to get items to stock on the shelves.  I mentioned that to some of the stock clerks whom I have gotten to know and they concur: they’re having to get creative to keep shelves visually full.

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Racist, Sexist Joe Biden

Some good news … for a change. The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals struck down the Biden administration’s policy of prioritizing COVID spending to nonwhites and women:

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The Independent Redistricting Commission Bill (SB 80) is Racist

THIS is the link to the full bill. I would like to draw your attention to this provision: 662-B:6  Redistricting Criteria. I.  The commission shall establish single or multi-member districts for the New Hampshire county commissions, house of representatives, and single member districts for the New Hampshire senate, executive council, and United States representative, using … Read more

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