State Rep Damond Ford Doesn’t Know Much About History

They may call themselves Democrats. But they are Communists. Needless to say, they would deny being Communists. Indeed, they would roll their eyes and scoff at the suggestion. Yet their goal of “transforming” America by making it more “diverse,” “equitable,” “inclusive,” blah, blah, blah, is simply the latest manifestation of Stalin’s purges, Mao’s Cultural Revolution, Pol Pot’s re-education, etc.

This post is about State Representative Damond Ford, a Democrat (Communist, actually) who nominally represents several wards in Manchester, New Hampshire. To borrow a phrase from Sam Cooke, Damond Ford doesn’t know much about history.

Ford’s X is breathtaking … but that is NOT meant as a compliment. It is a bacchanalia of vulgarity, profanity, and anti-white racism. This post is about the following X (formerly tweet):

Actually, non-Africans enslaved Africans for centuries before the Western slave trade began. Arab Muslims began enslaving non-Muslim Africans in the seventh century … one thousand years before the Atlantic slave trade began. Muslims were not allowed to be enslaved per Islamic law. So race-based slavery was an Arab/Muslim thing long, long, long before it was “an American/Christian thing.”

As for the magnitude of the Arab Muslim slave trade … the estimates I have seen range from 10 million to 17 million. The journey of the enslaved Africans across the Sahara was unbelievably brutal and cruel … adjectives that also describe the Atlantic route.

To be clear, I am NOT saying that the Arab Muslim slave trade was worse than the Western slave trade or that it justifies the Western slave trade … what I am saying is that Damond Ford is full of shit in claiming that race-based slavery was uniquely “an American/Christian thing.”

Ford’s uninformed and inaccurate explanation of the African slave trade is the “honest history” he wants taught to schoolchildren. It is based not on any neutral and objective study of history but what even a cursory review of his X makes unarguable … an obsession with race that facilitates the Left’s agenda of “transforming” America.

The only thing that really distinguishes Damond Ford and his ilk from Pol Pot, Mao, Stalin, etc., is that the latter obtained sufficient power to destroy the lives of hundreds of millions. Pray that Ford and his ilk never obtain such power.


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