Indoctrination cartoon

AP’s Political Indoctrination (Population Control) in AP Human Geography

From Caroline: “Some context to this: I was not homeschooled, private, or classically schooled. I was a public school AP student. I got a 5 on the AP Human exam. My lowest AP exam scores were 4’s. I was all in on this system, and I navigated it very well. I came across this because of tutoring…

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reading about propaganda

Your Government Is Propagandizing You…Legally?

The world of conspiracy theorists is fraught with nervous energy emanating from shadowy corners of the information war frontier. Of course, globalists are real, and of course, they want a New World Order, and of course, they’re conspiring to accomplish it – because they’ve admitted to all of it.  In fact, they even brag about it at their semi-public meetings or in the pages of their very public best-selling books.

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Bananas Exclusive: Russell Brand Raped Me – My Story 

Just this week, it’s come out that one-time Hollywood darling turned anti-establishment psychopath Russell Brand is a serial rapist.  Was a serial rapist a while back anyway.  That is before he got re-married, lost his mind, and started shilling for the alt-right on the professional misinformation platform Rumble, which is around the time he raped me.

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Threads screen grab app store

From the Emperor’s New Clothes to The Mark Zuckerberg’s New ‘Threads’

I feel certain that the FBI, CIA, CDC, WHO, and others, have been encouraging Marxist meat puppet Mark Zuckerberg-er Meister Berger to replace Twitter with something they can control ever since Elon bought Twitter—a suitable propaganda tool of equal measure.

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Zelensky and Media Propaganda

Greenwald: How the Media and Government are Propagandizing the Ukraine/Russia Conflict

If all you know about Ukraine is what you’ve heard in the past year, this is a MUST WATCH. There is a reason so many Americans do NOT want our government handing billions of dollars over to one of the most corrupt governments in the world, and it’s not because they are pro-Putin or pro-Russia.

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1984 movie screen grab hate

The Power of Hate – George Orwell, “Nineteen Eighty-Four”

Hate, one of the strongest human emotions, is a powerful societal force that has been effectively manipulated throughout history by evil leaders to increase their own power.

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Middle School Summer Reading or Blatant Propaganda?

“It’s not happening in my kid’s school.”

“That type of indoctrination only happens in the big cities.”

“New Hampshire’s schools aren’t promoting these types of things… are they?”

“No one is coming for your children.”

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reading about propaganda

No Legislative Purpose to the Jan. 6 Committee

There’s no legislative purpose to the Jan. 6 Committee. Its “report” is a professionally produced television propaganda extravaganza intended to smear former President Donald Trump and prevent his 2024 re-election as president. Breaking a 200-year tradition, Democrat leader Nancy Pelosi appointed all committee members, only people who voted to impeach President Trump; the Republican leader’s … Read more

Money cash greed original Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

How Many “Media” Outlets in NH Got Fed Money to Put a Positive Spin on the COVID19 Vaccines?

Through the Department of Health and Human Services, the Federal Government offered money to media outlets to advertise the positive benefits of COVID19 vaccines.

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The Ghost of Kiev Ukraine pilot

The Ghost of Kyiv

Wars seek rallying points, heroes, inspiration, and one day (more or less) into the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the defenders have one. They call him The Ghost of Kyiv.

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Question Mark

Questions, Questions, and Some Thoughts. And Your’s Are?

Like so many people today, I am also deep in thinking about how we got here..We are openly seeing and saying that there is a mental health crisis in America and we Olders know it’s nothing new.

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WMUR IVM Horse Paste

WMUR Lies About Ivermectin Bill and Uses Horse Paste as Headline Photo

In an article regarding new legislation that allows pharmacists to dispense Ivermectin (IVM) as prescribed by doctors, WMUR decided to use a photo of the veterinary version of the drug rather than the human version, which has been around for decades.

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Auschwitz jean-carlo-emer-61ZSxz3yjBo-unsplash

Before, It was All About Race and Ethnicity. Now, Segregation is all about Medical Status and Fealty To The State.

Rudolf Hoss was a German man who lived during the early 20th century. His chief achievement for which he has gone down in history was his service as the Commandant, the person in charge, of the concentration camp at Auschwitz.

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Big Bird Propaganda

Sesame Street Wages a Propaganda ‘War on Children’

In one of the more disgusting propaganda efforts of the left, Sesame Street puppets are now pushing the vaccines onto children.

Not only does Elmo spread the vax propaganda:

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Cameras News Cameras Media

There’s a Reason I Call Them the Enemedia…

This is beyond disgusting.  But understand – to committed Socialists, a person is only useful insofar as how they serve The State.  In this case, completely and outright lying about this child’s tragic death to push the fear porn.

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Jogger - runner

Quick Takes – Hat Trick

Three quick-hit-style bits of news with comments:


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Quick Takes – Hat Trick

I intend to write a 9-11 piece soon, but please give it a couple of days.  Meanwhile, three quick-hit-style bits of news with comments:

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Jogger - runner

Quick Takes: Hat Trick

Three quick-hit style bits of news & commentary. First, Thirteen Cuban refugees make it to Key West in a small rustic boat, are arrested upon arrival.

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US and Christian flags

The Left Made-Up ‘Nationalist Christians’ to Justify Their Discrimination

Hillary Goldstein’s letter of Feb. 2 (below) asks the editor of this paper directly why he saw fit to reprint the AP letter attacking “Nationalist Christians” and I for one would like to hear his response.

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