WMUR Lies About Ivermectin Bill and Uses Horse Paste as Headline Photo

Kimberly Morin

In an article regarding new legislation that allows pharmacists to dispense Ivermectin (IVM) as prescribed by doctors, WMUR decided to use a photo of the veterinary version of the drug rather than the human version, which has been around for decades.

Not only that but WMUR lies in the article and states that a person can somehow get a prescription without seeing a doctor or nurse practitioner first:

House Bill 1022 would allow pharmacists to dispense the drug by means of standing orders, meaning without the drug-seeker first seeing a doctor.

The legislation specifically explains what a ‘standing order’ is:

In this section, “standing order” means a written and signed protocol authored by one or more physicians licensed under RSA 329:12 or one or more advanced practice registered nurses licensed under RSA 326-B:18. Such agreement shall specify a protocol allowing the pharmacist licensed under RSA 318:18 to dispense ivermectin under the delegated prescriptive authority of the physician or APRN, specify a mechanism to document screening performed and the prescription in the patient’s medical record, and include a plan for evaluating and treating adverse events. Any such prescription shall be regarded as being issued for a legitimate medical purpose in the usual course of professional practice.

Clearly, the ‘reporter’ who decided to ‘investigate’ this legislation either doesn’t understand how to read legislation; doesn’t understand what a licensed physician or nurse practitioner is; was too lazy to read the legislation, or intentionally lied to push an agenda. Regardless of the reasons behind this piss-poor ‘news’ article, it is shoddy journalism at best.

Ivermectin was approved for human use in the United States in 1996 and has been in use around the world since 1987. Not only has IVM been used around the world for decades (in HUMANS), but it is also a Nobel Prize-winning drug that many studies are now being conducted in its use against Fauci’s Virus (COVID-19).

Ivermectin is also used for animals and sold over the counter to help control parasites. It is not the same as the prescription IVM that is given to humans.

While many on the left absolutely abhor that a cheap, existing drug might possibly save lives, others are successfully using IVM to fight COVID rather than ending up in the hospital, where many go to die because they aren’t being treated properly.

WMUR is supposed to be a ‘news’ station. The only one that really exists in New Hampshire anymore, and yet they fail on the basics in this article.

Remember to question everything and do your own research. There are no lamestream news outlets that speak the truth anymore. They prefer to push an agenda rather than push real journalism.

WMUR has become propaganda pushers as opposed to a journalistic news outlet with integrity.

By the way, the photo below is what human IVM tablets look like. WMUR could have found a photo like this, they chose not to. Americans shouldn’t have to buy potentially life-saving drugs from India.




  • Kimberly Morin

    Kimberly Morin is a political activist in the Granite State. She is a lifelong Independent who calls out both sides of the aisle when they screw up. She's a weekly guest on the nationally syndicated radio show, Real Side with Joe Messina, and a frequent flyer on The Independence Gang.

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