The Left Made-Up ‘Nationalist Christians’ to Justify Their Discrimination

Hillary Goldstein’s letter of Feb. 2 (below) asks the editor of this paper directly why he saw fit to reprint the AP letter attacking “Nationalist Christians” and I for one would like to hear his response.

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Does not Ms. Goldstein spell out perfectly how the left is and has been acting like the Nazis in Germany under Hitler in the 30s?

Readers, did you read this? You should?

Has anyone ever heard of a “Nationalist Christian” before this? I haven’t?

It is something the left made up (no doubt) to justify attempts to discriminate against us. Why? Is believing in God immoral or unethical. No, but they seem to want to make it illegal.

The last time I looked it wasn’t Christians rioting, assaulting, burning, and looting. Christians haven’t been killing police officers, calling for defunding or disbanding law and order agencies of one kind or another.

So, tell me, which one of the Ten Commandments calls for “radical terrorism.” I missed it.

Is love thy neighbor a threat to peace and social order?

The “Deep State” in D.C. (it’s real, no mistaking that) is hunkered down with 17,000 troops camping in unheated parking garages, apparently terrified of the three-quarters of the people now living in the U.S. who didn’t vote for them; that some tiny minority of that number are coming to get them.

Silly aren’t they?

Who are the real extremists really? Those who believe in the Constitution, law, and order, “treat others as you would have them treat you?” Or is it those who support anarchists, drug dealers, pornographers, sex traffickers’ and other criminals?

So Mr. Editor what is your response to Ms. Hillary Goldstein? She asked a darn good question!


Hillary Goldstein’s letter of Feb. 2

Article helped set stage for persecution of Christians

In Saturday’s edition of the Laconia Daily Sun you carried an AP story about “Christian Nationalists” [Here, page 16  -Skip] being a problem because of their extremism which can lead to terrorism. I think the AP carried this story to aid the deep state in their campaign to marginalize Christians and make them the “enemy,” because people with a firm faith in God cannot easily be brainwashed to worship the state and give up their rights.

To marginalize a group, it’s easier if you begin with a subset that holds questionable beliefs that most people disavow. Then from there you can cast aspersions on the whole group and people will more easily accept it. It’s a short trip from “Nationalist Christians” to all Christians.

I will say at this point, that I have been a Christian for nine years. I have been part of several churches and have known many believers and have not come across one “Nationalist Christian.” Christians know that God does not make distinctions based on race or nationality. Our allegiance is to Jesus Christ, who doesn’t view people in identity terms. So the point made in the AP story that pastors will have to start educating their parishioners to abandon Christian Nationalism was pointless, since it’s a non-issue. It does however, set the stage for people who want to demonize Christians to sound like they know what they’re talking about.

But my message today is for the editor of The Daily Sun. I know you must be an educated person to be the editor of a newspaper. I know you know about the Holocaust. You must know how the stage was set in Nazi Germany to murder the Jews through a series of interim steps that got people used to marginalizing and persecuting them. So my question for you, sir, is this –

Do you not know that by printing this article you are helping to set the stage for the persecution and possible future mass murder of your Christian neighbors?

If it happens, they won’t stop with the Christians, just as the Nazis did not stop with the Jews. So at the end, when they come for you, what will you say? “I wasn’t a Christian so I didn’t say anything. And I wasn’t a Trump supporter so I didn’t say anything. And when they came for me, there was no one left to say anything.” You remember that historical lament of the German people. We all do, those of us who were not brainwashed to believe the Holocaust is a myth. It happened in Germany. You think it can’t happen here? Don’t help it happen here by printing such tripe.

Hillarie Goldstein


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