How Many “Media” Outlets in NH Got Fed Money to Put a Positive Spin on the COVID19 Vaccines?

Through the Department of Health and Human Services, the Federal Government offered money to media outlets to advertise the positive benefits of COVID19 vaccines.

We knew this. Large sums were debated at length, right here in New Hampshire. Tens of millions in federal grants were accepted by the state to promote COVID19 vaccination. COVID Vaccine blood money that media outlets took for paid advertising.

Federal money paid for ads that are still running. I hear them on the radio all the time.

But what does that do to journalistic integrity with media outlets that claim to have some? Most media will not write negative stories about advertisers. And were ads the only money laundered into the media verse to create the desired echo chamber?

Emerald Robinson, writing on Substack, says she’s got personal inside knowledge that media outlets didn’t just take ad money, they were paid off as well.


I have been contacted by a whistleblower inside Newsmax who has confirmed the broad details of this story. That insider confirms: Newsmax executives agreed to take the money from Biden’s Health and Human Services (HHS) to push only positive coverage of the new COVID vaccines.

Let me add another personal detail: I was contacted by top Newsmax executives and told to halt any negative coverage of the vaccines in 2021. I was told that “it was problematic” for Newsmax. I was given some version of this warning multiple times by multiple executives. Obviously, I did not heed their advice.


You lived through it, so you know how deep this goes. Everyone was roping in experts or doctors or politicians, anyone who would look at a camera and say positive things about the COVID19 vaccines—CONversations on how to convince the vaccine-hesitant. The Biden Administration bought and paid for an all-out propaganda blitz to push an experimental pharmaceutical product that we know has pages of side effects, many of them serious, not the least of which is death.

It does explain a few things.

The absence of any reporting that questioned vaccine safety. Nothing about the VAERS body count. The lack of interest in the numerous government studies from abroad that identified the pandemic of the vaccinated, the sudden deaths of athletes, the long list of concerns, and injuries and deaths related to The Jab.

All the major networks are named, including Fox and Newsmax. So, who in New Hampshire got laundered federal money to promote the most dangerous “vaccine” in modern human history?

Who took the advertising dollars, and did they ever report anything negative about vaccines after that? Did anyone even dare to question their effectiveness outside the approved narratives?

If they didn’t run pro-COVID jab ads, did they do any reporting on The Jab that could be considered negative, or how about balanced? Look at NHJournal, for example. You might be able to say the reporting was reasonably neutral, but I could not find any negative stories or any evidence the mountains of research pointing to issues with the vaccines were of interest.

And yes, we’ll be doing this sort of review with every so-called media outlet, time permitting. Feel free to help us out, we could use it.

Check the traditional media like WMUR or the broadsheets. Then work down to sites like Seacoast Current and New Hampshire Bulletin, In-depth New Hampshire, or Manchester Ink Link (update: nothing negative in my initial search).

Vaccine harms are real, a public health threat, and low-hanging fruit.  Easy public interest stories.

Their absence is not proof of payoffs but it is enough to raise suspicions. I have a feeling about how that will all turn out, but I’ll wait for the evidence before we render a verdict.

Federal money was spent to control the message on the COVID19 vaccine, and people were injured or died.

Besides, Liberty Block, and a few other activists with websites, did anyone else claiming to do reporting tell the truth?

Anyone with any actual reach?

We’ll get back to you when we know more.




  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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