biden inflation

Peel the Onion of Inflation Reduction

Bernie Sanders was honest, rare for a Senator, when he said this bill was not accurately named. The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) will do nothing to change the trajectory of our rising inflation. The most optimistic say this bill will reduce inflation by .25%, but over two years. So much for this inflation being transitory.

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Money cash

Money, Disasters and More Money

Here is something to consider. Rep. Brian Mast (R) on the House Foreign Affairs Committee made a very strong case saying Biden should be removed, and charged with Treason. He offered three primary crimes:

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Solar is good for Sunbathing and Wind is good for Kite Flying, But Neither is good for Electricity

by Don

Climate alarmists promote the Green New Deal and demand that we replace fossil fuels with “free” wind and solar generated electricity.  But wind and solar generated electricity are neither free nor environmentally friendly.  Both are costly and unreliable electric energy sources.  Both require huge amounts of resources that will result in extensive mining in pristine areas. 

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Notable Quote – Bjorn Lomberg

by Skip

For decades, climate activists have exhorted people in the wealthy West to change their personal behavior to cut carbon emissions. We have been told to drive less, to stop flying and, in general, to reduce consumption—all in the name of saving the planet from ever higher temperatures.

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