Green New Deal - Socialism wrapped up in Environmentalism

The Green New Deal – cartoon style (Part 2 of 6)

Well, the Green New Deal is a big hopping deal over at TreeHugger – have been spending a lot of time there creating content to bring back here but that will be tomorrow.  In the mean time, here’s the second Part of the series: (H/T: Clear Energy Alliance) Part 1 here.

Green New Deal - Socialism wrapped up in Environmentalism

The Green New Deal – cartoon style (Part 1 of 6)

Just found this over at Powerline – quite cute and quite to the point.  The Green New Deal is nothing more than a Eco-Socialists nocturnal emission.  It has nothing to do with “greenness”, nothing about “saving the Earth”. Instead, it is all about money and all about control.  Here’s a series that even Democrats should … Read more

Stop the Presses Democrat Majority State Senate Supports Wasting Money On Commuter Rail

Public transportation is an expression of the state’s right to define how you get from A to B. Not just how but when and where. The modern commuter rail fantasy fits this profile. It is a long-standing dream of the Left. To throw your money down a hole for government controlled ride-sharing. Whether you can use it, want to, or not.

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Liz Cheney

Rep. Liz Cheney Asks Green New Deal ‘Experts’: How Did You Travel to Washington?

Ending Transportation as we know it is a feature of the Green New Deal. What we’ve come to consider modern vehicles like planes, trains, and automobiles would be mothballed. So, when four “experts” arrived in Washington to speak to Congress on the plan Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney had a question. How’d you get here?

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Mitch McConnell - Green New Deal

Sen. Majority Leader McConnell – We’re Going to Vote on the Green New Deal

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has announced that the US Senate is going to vote on the Green New Deal. Give everybody an opportunity to go on record. When that vote happens is unclear. But the upper chamber will take the temperature of elected Senators to see where everyone stands. On the green new deal. … Read more

Green New Deal Protesters

Green New Deal Protester: I want Universal Basic Income Like They Have In Alaska

with Beth Scaer: Yesterday I reported on how Jeanne Shaheen was taking a little “heat” from her environmental left. The Senator had not fired up the press-release mill to gush over the Green New Deal. This lack of public embrace disenfranchised climate cultists who, along with some national partners, targeted Democrats to pressure them into climbing aboard. … Read more

All Aboard the Unicorn Express

So, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez finally unveiled the plan she’s been working on since the 5th grade.  Jill Stein and Bernie Sanders couldn’t get it done, so the Leftists are using their new ace-in-the-hole to ride it.  Oh, and with some help from old uncle-knucklehead, Senator Ed Markey from Massachusetts. The Green New Deal is the … Read more

Ann Kuster, Democrats wearing the party's traditional racist colors

Ann Kuster Might Not Want to Stand So Close

Democrat Congressman Annie Kuster has had a whopper of a time down in DC this week. Cut from the same white cloth at the STOU, to becoming part of the New Green Deal. Now she has some explaining to do. How are we going to eliminate the internal combustion engine, Annie? Shutting down the Manchester … Read more

The Real Reason The Left Wants to Raise Taxes on “the Rich”

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (“AOC”) recently proposed raising the top marginal income tax rate to 70 percent to pay for her “Green New Deal.” This rate would apply to income over $10 million. So how much would AOC’s new tax bracket raise? According to the Washington Post, at the most $72 billion a year. To … Read more

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