Night Cap: Derry Helps Add to the National Debt

The federal government has put the nation so far in debt that it has become common practice for the ‘Grok to remind anyone they are encouraging taxation without representation. You are spending the labor of Americans who won’t be born for years and have no voice but will be responsible for the spending and debt service.

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Comrade Communism Screen Grab

The Comrade Running the Derry School Board Meetings

Our elected representatives are supposed to represent the people who elect them. There will certainly be times when our elected representatives vote, or do not share our views on an issue. I think we all know how that works. But what happens when those you elect, decide that they do not want to hear from you.  

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Town of Derry NH Seal

RINO Report: Tom Cardon and Brenda Willis

Derry has a 16 for 10 primary, the largest in the state. Its candidates run the gamut from extreme RINO, mediocre, excellent, to unknown. The latter may or may not be well known in the community, but they are unknown in the sense of not having voting records. And the RINO Report is based on voting records.

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