
NY Gov. Cuomo Issues Quarantine He Said, ‘Was Like Declaring War’ When Trump Mentioned It for New York

When New York was the world’s Hot Spot for COVID-19 infections, the President mentioned how some people wanted a two-week quarantine for parts of New York and New Jersey. Gov Cuomo had some not-so-kind things to say about that, but I guess he forgot them. 

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NH Received at Least $2.24 Million Per COVID19 Hospitalization – Where’d it All Go?

Last week we shared some data from Kaiser Health. In it, they reported how much states had received per COVID19 case (as of Mid-April). New Hampshire was pegged at 200,000 per incidence. But that struck me as the wrong way to look at it. The grave concern was hospitalizations, so what was the cost for that?

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shopping toilet paper

Quick Thought: Er, nope!

WELL, THAT MAKES SENSE: Older, more anxious people likely to stockpile toilet paper during a pandemic.

But as wrong as this:

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Covid 19 Coronavirus SARS Cov2

69% Say Political Response to COVID-19 was an Unnecessary Overreaction

Our most recent poll asked a simple question. Was the Response to COVID-19 Justified or an Unnecessary Overreaction? Given what we know or even knew just a few weeks in our answer to that was yes, but we wanted to ask around and see if it was just us.

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Chris Sununu

After Multiple Reopen Protests – No Spike in Infections or COVID19 Cases (So, ReopenNH, Dammit!)

It’s been over two months since ReopenNH held its first protest. At the time, the lockdown-left lost their minds. Not only were people peacefully protesting while openly displaying firearms, they were refusing to live in fear. No distancing, maskless, engaging with other human beings in conversation. The horror!

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Graph - Diminishing Returns

Higher Tax, Less Rehiring

With the pandemic driven business shutdowns, New Hampshire is expecting enough of a drop in Business Enterprise Tax (BET) to trigger a tax rate increase under a law passed a few years ago. The BET is a tax on having employees.

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GST - Gov. Chris Sununu

Sununu Caves on Beaches Day Before ReopenNH Rally to “Storm Them”

His Excellency, the Governor, will allow people to do more than just walk on New Hampshire’s beaches and swim in the ocean. An announcement this morning – expected, we had heard things – allows people to use the actual beach. Sit on it. Sunbathe. Be beachy with each other. 

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Climate Change (Meaning You) Are Ruining That Morning Cup of Coffee

Fake news about climate-crisis driven scarcity is not just common; it’s a 30-year pandemic. Coffee is no newcomer to that game. And since they’ve got you trapped at home, now is as good a time as any to lie to you some more. OMG! Global Warming threatens (another) coffee bean crisis!

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Enough Already with the government mandates due to COVID19

Dear Governor Sununu – ENOUGH ALREADY

I understand NH’s governor was put into a position he didn’t ask to be put into. He was essentially between a rock and a hard place. Governor Sununu, like everyone else, was using the wildly inaccurate models pushed by the CDC and the feds to make decisions. I get it. There was no other information … Read more

Our Dress Rehearsal for a Police State

By Dennis Prager, writing on Town Hall

All my life, I have dismissed paranoids on the right (“America is headed to communism”) and the left (“It can happen here” — referring to fascism). It’s not that I’ve ever believed liberty was guaranteed. Being familiar with history and a pessimist regarding the human condition, I never believed that.

But the ease with which police state tactics have been employed and the equal ease with which most Americans have accepted them have been breathtaking.

People will argue that a temporary police state has been justified because of the allegedly unique threat to life posed by the new coronavirus. I do not believe the data will bear that out. Regardless, let us at least agree that we are closer to a police state than ever in American history.

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Is a Rebellion Forming Against Governor Sununu From within His Own Party?

I saw the poll that Ed had commented on before (“Massive Majority in New Hampshire Support Authoritarian Government and Willing to Believe Anything Government/Press Tell Them“) and had basically thrown up my hands in horror.

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Marc Abear

ReOpenNH Concord Rally – MicroInterview with Marc Abear

Marc used to represent my district (Gilford / Meredith) in the NH House. Like all the others that I interviewed last Saturday, he had come to show his displeasure with how His Excellency (Gov Sununu) was handling this Kung Flu epidemic. Marc, I have come to know, is a well measured, careful, and insightful person … Read more

Elliot Axelman

ReOpenNH Concord Rally – MicroInterview with Elliot Axelman

Elliot is the proprietor and blogger over at Liberty Block (where he did his own reporting of the Rally) He also ran for the NH House in a special election a wee bit ago (sadly, he was not the winner). He, too, like most of the attendees, argues his points against His Excellency (Gov Sununu) … Read more

Tom Ploszaj

ReOpenNH Concord Rally – MicroInterview with Tom Ploszaj

Tom has been appearing in the comment section of GraniteGrok for a while now and we’ve met in person a few times here and there. He’s now taking the step, after seeing what the Democrats have done and the ignoring of passed laws with respect to what our Constitution allows, to run for the NH … Read more

Reopen NH Save Livlihoods

ReOpenNH Concord Rally – MicroInterview with Dan Hynes

Another person that was roaming around the State House lawn before the ReOpenNH rally started was lawyer Dan Hynes. Like all the others, he had his reason for being there contra Governor Sununu’s stay-at-home orders; in order to exercise his First Amendment Right to Free Speech.

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ReOpenNH - Free People make their own Risk Assessments

ReOpenNH Concord Rally – MicroIntervew with Pam Ean

Even though I have known her for years, I didn’t recognize Pam at ALL at last week’s ReOpenNH Rally at the State House in Concord – I guess the Govt’s demand (and for more, more about commonsense on my part) to be masked up is creating an “anonymous” society as no one knows who you … Read more

Truth About COVID19 Told HERE…

The video below is one hour and five minutes long. It is fully acknowledged that this is EXTREMELY LONG for a Youtube Video. But, If you’ve bought into the shams of Isolation, masks, and other tomfoolery associated with the political arm of COVID19, you should watch this video twice.

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Houston Restaurant Defies Restrictions – Opens for Sit Down Service and No One Stops Them

A restaurant owner in Houston has had enough. On Friday night he opened his doors for sit-down business inside the restaurant. When numerous county enforcement agencies were asked about policing, they were referred to some other entity.

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ReOpenNH - NH Way Voluntary Isolation for the at risk Common sense for all

ReOpenNH Concord Rally – Interview with the Group of Four

That would be four current or former NH State House Representatives. To a person, they too are unhappy with how Government is treating its citizens even as the current data is saying that its actions are too far. Yes, it was loud and a couple of these folks are, well, softspoken. The horns going by … Read more

ReopenNH - I want my job back

ReOpenNH Concord Rally – MicroInterview with Peter Torosian

While I was Just trying to get an early shot of how many people had assembled. Having gotten up a bit higher than the sidewalk, I started to record what was going on.  This gentleman then came up to me (who I did not know) and started talking. Turns out, he was NH State Rep … Read more

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