So, How Much Money Did NH Get to Keep Us Locked Down?

This is a quick one—more questions than answers. But I’m throwing it out for crowdsourcing because NH has always been ready to milk the Jackpot Justice Cow. COVID-19 turned out to be just such a cow, and someone sent me this a while back. I missed it until now, but it is still relevant.

Related: NH Defrauds Exxon Mobil with MTBE Scam

According to Kaiser Health News, as of mid-April, the State of New Hampshire was receiving Federal dollars to the tune of 200K per case.

Below is a breakdown of how much funding per COVID-19 case each state will receive from the first $30 billion in aid. Kaiser Health News used a state breakdown provided to the House Ways and Means Committee by HHS along with COVID-19 cases tabulated by The New York Times for its analysis.


Kaiser Health NH 200K

That was phase one. We’ll need to do some digging to figure out the rest of them, but from here, it looks a lot like there was a substantial financial incentive to test more and report more, which (may have) kept us locked down longer, so hey could do more testing, all (potentially) for more laundered Federal dollars.

As we noted here back in mid-April, same time as this report,

Part of that response includes a big fat check to the hospital or clinic (thanks to the same politicians – spending money you can no longer earn on their orders) if they indicate that the patient was admitted with COVID-19.  If you put them on a ventilator you get another big fat check from the Feds.

There were plenty of fiscal incentives to provide reporting that amplified the fearmongering and kept us in economic lockdown—destroying jobs and business for what?

Let’s all do some digging and see what we can uncover.

Note: Jack Justice changed to jackpot justice. Who the heck was Jack Justice, anyway?

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