ReOpenNH - Free to stay in your house

ReOpenNH Concord Rally – MicroInterview with Ed Naile

Ed Naile is the Chair of the Coalition of NH Taxpayers (CNHT) and has been around a LONG time helping out watchdogs and whistleblower type citizens and helping them to correct what they believe to be municipal malfeasance. Here he’s got a nice little story to tell: Please subscribe to our Youtube Channel – either … Read more

Waste water treatment plant sewer

NH Needs to Look to Wastewater Testing for Coronavirus Now

The “novel” Coronavirus requires novel approaches, both analytical and remedial. Despite hearing repeatedly about “how much we don’t yet know” about Covid-19, from just about everyone in government, media, and medicine, we are regularly subjected to the same old, tired refrain:

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ReOpenNH - Free People make their own Risk Assessments

ReOpenNH Concord Rally – MicroInterview with Mark Warden

The best expression of the sentiment that was on the minds of all of the attendees of last Saturday’s EReOpenNH was this:

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Democrat State Senator Melanie Levesque Vows to Use Money From Just-Passed Stimulus-Bill to Turn Out More Democrat Voters

This, which Melanie tweeted at 3:41 PM yesterday: The $400 million is part of the massive list of PORK that Jeanne Shaheen got added to what was supposed to be a Coronavirus-relief bill by filibustering. All the measures Melanie wants to institute in New Hampshire help Democrats and hurt Republicans. For example, “vote-by-mail” would allow … Read more

Trump-Deranged Democrat State Rep Claims President Trump Using Coronavirus to Kill Democrats

Don’t believe me? See for yourself: Yes, in the alternative progressive-universe Rep Deb Asshat (aka Altschiller) lives, President Trump is making doctors determine your political affiliation and deny you medical care for coronavirus if you are a Democrat: “#coronavirus doesn’t care what party you belong to, but the POTUS does.” Imagine being so Trump-Deranged that … Read more

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