After Multiple Reopen Protests – No Spike in Infections or COVID19 Cases (So, ReopenNH, Dammit!)

It’s been over two months since ReopenNH held its first protest. At the time, the lockdown-left lost their minds. Not only were people peacefully protesting while openly displaying firearms, they were refusing to live in fear. No distancing, maskless, engaging with other human beings in conversation. The horror!

Related:  Karen Testerman Announces Primary Challenge to Gov. Chris Sununu

It’s been months, and there have been no spikes. None.

At Tuesday’s news conference, health officials and Gov. Chris Sununu were asked if there was any information to show an outbreak, cluster association, or any contact tracing information from either event.

“No,” Sununu said simply.

Meanwhile, down in Nashua, businesses are losing money and the City revenues because the snowflakes passed a mandatory mask order in any public building. I have not shopped there since and will not do business anywhere in  Nashua until the order is lifted. And maybe not after that.

The fraud perpetrated on the people of New Hampshire while unknown early on became apparent soon after. Everything since then has been a massive exercise in infringement and political ass-covering, with a heaping helping of TDS lockdown-leftism.

Lives and livelihoods harmed for the sole purpose of doing as much damage to the local and national economy because Democrats thought that was the only way to unseat Trump.

Now they think it is burning up minority neighborhoods and looting their local businesses. The shared theme being the destruction of other people’s stuff and a complete disregard for individual rights and liberties.

I’d like to thank the governor for his brief but honest response to the question. If he is interested in fostering further goodwill, he could suggest that the laws as written do seem to give a governor too much authority. Perhaps he could mend a few fences by leading an effort to dial some of that back?

No, I am not holding my breath.


Note: correction in paragraph one. It has been two months since Reopen’s first protest not one month.

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