Michael Bloomberg: can millions/billions fix his candidacy?

by Skip

For a guy that is rich enough to have already spent $409 million on national campaign ad buys (and most likely millions more on staff payroll and expenses), he just plain sucked last night. “What the heck did his staffers do to prep him for the obvious attacks” has been the refrain I’ve seen all day long.

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Gun Control in NH

ALERT: GUN CONTROL Hearings in Concord!!

From the Women’s Defense League: The destructive and draconian gun control bills that were VETOED last year are back in the House once again!!!! There is also legislation that will effectively END gun ranges in the State of New Hampshire! There are two hearings in the House and one in the Senate. BOTH are important … Read more

Rich Old White Bloomberg: NH too White!

We’ve heard this line a few times already this Presidential cycle from some minority fringe candidates who needed something to blame for their lack of support: New Hampshire is too white. And so is Iowa. Therefore, we don’t deserve the First in the Nation Primary, duh. Now, Rich Old White Bloomberg is playing the same … Read more

Nashua Rep Deb Stevens Needs to Up Her Meds

Nashua State Representative Deb Stevens is upping her psychotic hate game against Trump supporters with a recent post on her public representative page: Stevens seems to forget that it’s been her own kind, on the left, who have been hateful, bigoted and actually violent against anyone who supports the president or who simply disagrees with … Read more

Gun Control in NH


From the Women’s Defense League Extreme Risk Protection Orders – “AKA “Red Flag Laws” – Are Too Extreme for New Hampshire Stop House Bill 687 Before It’s Too Late The Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee in the NH House voted 10-10 to get Bloomberg’s Red Flag bill out of the committee and into the … Read more

Notable Quote – Cluelessness of Bernie Sanders

by Skip

A special edition for Bruce Currie – our loyal opposition here at GraniteGrok and self-admitted Berni-Bro: “I’m disgusted by the idea that Michael Bloomberg or any other billionaire thinks they can circumvent the political process and spend tens of millions of dollars to buy our elections. It’s just the latest example of a rigged political … Read more

Democrats Use Horrific Events to Push Bloomberg-Backed Gun Control

Yesterday, Granite State Progress, the out-of-state funded extreme left-wing organization that wouldn’t tell the truth if their lives depended upon it, held a press conference in the Legislative Office Building to push the Bloomberg-backed gun control Democrats passed in the New Hampshire House and Senate. The NH GOP alerted Granite Staters about the Democrats’ disgusting … Read more

Gun Control in NH

RED ALERT: Gun Control Bill March 26th

From the Women’s Defense League Once again, despite New Hampshire consistently being celebrated as one of the ‘SAFEST STATES in the COUNTRY,’ certain legislators want to implement legislation that is written by out-of-state gun control organizations from California and New York. New York City billionaire, Micheal Bloomberg, is spending a LOT of money to push … Read more

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