

Fudds are all around us. What is a Fudd? A Fudd is a gun-owner who supports and sometimes advocates for traditional hunting guns but favors gun controls and the banning of other guns such as handguns, tactical rifles, standard capacity magazines. These people misguidedly call said magazines, “high capacity” because they hold more than ten rounds.

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Black Market Bloomberg

smoking - what about the tobacco taxes in New Hampshire

New York City Mayor Mike ‘Big Gulp’ Bloomberg has proposed raising the smoking age in New York City from 18 to 21 years of age.  A companion proposal would hike the price of a pack of cigarettes to more than ten dollars per pack, presumably to a) convince more people to quit and b) recover revenue lost by prohibiting a big chunk of the tax base from paying taxes on cigarettes they are no longer permitted to smoke.

But how does New York’s evil super genius plan to recover the revenue lost to the expansion of the black market?

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“Arbitrary and Capricious”

“We have a responsibility as human beings to do something, to save each other, to save the lives of ourselves, our families, ourfriends, and all of the rest of the people that live on God’s planet. And so while other people will wring their hands over the problem of sugary drinks, in New York City, … Read more


by Tom

Student Loaded With Debt

As tragic as the shooting event in Connecticut was, when you actually look at the data on US Deaths, you can plainly see the totally overblown, reactive tizzy that the American Liberal community, and their lapdogs, the mainstream media, have themselves in.

Using official CDC data, guns are not nearly our biggest problem….

US Deaths in 2009: 2,437,163

Deaths related to injuries: 177,154 (7.3%)

Of these injury-deaths, Poisoning/Drugs accounted for 23.5%, Motor Vehicles 19.5%, Firearms 17.7% (31,347), and Falling (yes, “Falling Down”) 14.4%.

Before going any further, let me point out the obvious fact that….

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