US House Rep Nancy Mace

Hard To Believe George Stephanopoulos Has Daughters

I have never been a fan of George Stephanopoulos (GS) since his beginnings in the Clinton White House. I have always thought he was one of the most biased members of the legacy media. But what he did to Representative Nancy Mace on his supposed news show this weekend was disgraceful. Disgraceful may be too kind.

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Media Bias Displayed in Presidential Town Halls

by Don

October 15’s Presidential Candidate Town Halls revealed extensive media bias and a contrast of old plans and old promises versus rapid accomplishments. George Stephanopoulos rarely involved himself in VP Biden’s town hall, giving the audience and VP Biden time to ask and answer questions.

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Fox Television Picks up ‘Last Man Standing’ for Season 7

Last Man reports that Tim Allen’s hugely popular ABC show has been picked up by Fox for Season seven.

Gary Newman and Dana Walden, chairmen and CEOs of Fox Television Group, said the decision to bring back the series was a no-brainer.

“’Last Man Standing’ ended too soon and the outcry from the fans has been deafening,” they shared. “We’ve wanted to put the show back together since its final taping a year ago, and Tim never gave up hope either. Thanks to its millions of devoted viewers and the irrepressible Tim Allen, we haven’t seen the last of ‘Last Man Standing.’”

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Another “Political Campaign Stunt” By Romney

“It seems that the first victim of an Obama campaign is the truth.” —Mitt Romney

Throughout this campaign, there is one issue Mitt Romney has not  talked about. What the Romney has not talked about is his profound generosity over many, many years to so many people. Mitt has not only given of himself personally, but he has given his time and a significant amount of his wealth to truly help others in need.

We have seen report after report of others (Not those in the Romney Camp) going forth to the media and speaking of how Mitt and his family have been so exceedingly generous  to so many for more than 40 years. Let me say that again. Mitt and his family have been so exceedingly generous  to so many for more than 40 years.

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Batman, culture, guns….freedom vs safety / security…..Second Amendment vs “Responsible” – Part 1 on ABC News

by Skip

OK, I’ve been REAL busy doing interviews and then taking care of the care, feeding, and placement of the videos

Sidenote: which means take the video, transfer to the PC, bring it into the editing software, start chopping it up, export each question (making sure to, you know, write the question down), upload to YouTube, make the post on GraniteGrok, and then filling in the “post” on YouTube – not a small amount of time and I just do it as a blogger and not taking the time that a REAL videographer would be taking (ouch!)

and since I’ve been running 4 threads per day for a while, that DOES take up a lot of time prepping.  But they’re almost all up and scheduled, so back to writing.  Finally.  Now to play lots of catchup here.

A horrendous event in Aurora, CO for the midnight screening of Batman.  Now, I’m not a movie person and there’s no way that I’m going to a midnight showing of pretty much anything except the “count the sheep” flick (I’m such a fuddy-duddy).  But now we have the one of “our national discussions” once again.  I have a bunch of things to say but a couple of things real quick.

First, why hasn’t ABC’s “Chief Investigative Reporter” (and using the scare quotes deliberately) been fired yet?  You know, bloggers get dumped on all the time by the lazy Mainstream Press all the time because we do not have the “layers of editors and fact checkers” that they do (well, when you have no income from what you do and still have to pay the hosting charges, there is no money for those “layers”).  Yet, to say that Brian Ross was irresponsible is to say that a tsunami will give you a bad hair day.  Years and years of being the “go to Journalist” allowed he and Democrat hack George Stephanopoulas (also posing as a tried and true journo) breathlessly coming up with fact they wanted “Hey, this guy, this James Holmes, HE’S A TEA PARTY GUY!”.  They thought they finally had the clincher to the meme they’ve being trying to make for the last three years – TEA Party folks are violent and gun crazy”.  Yet, a simple Google search showed up an entire network’s resources as being worse than being Lefty hacks – in fact, they were just incompetent, untrustworthy, and in the rush to “move the story”, showed their ideological spines under the bright TV lights (in fact, they guy they “found” was in his 50s and not like the shooter who was in his 20s).

Yet, how forthcoming was ABC on issuing an apology?  Not far at all, it seems – a “move along, nothing to see here”:

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ABC Cancels GCB – Too Much Competition from DCB?

ABC Canceled GCB.  (That’s the family Friendly Disney/ABS’c short-lived controversial program about so-called Christian women who do not behave according the The Word.)  Who among us is without sin?  ABC certainly cannot claim otherwise.

While I’m sure GCB could have played well enough in the coast cities and liberal ghettos, it must–after all–be a show based on how Democrats actually approach the faith (you write what you know, yes?) no one else seems to have cared for it.  And why would they?  We already have the ugly version of this progran running 24/7 in DC called Democrat “Christian” Bitches (DCB).  (I’m not being sexist here–most of the ‘bitches’ in the Democrat party are actually men, and most if not all the of the “Christian” Democrats are simply hypocrites.)


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Body Of Proof

I watched ABC’s ‘Body of Proof’ the other night Tuesdays at 10pm and if you would like the worlds quickest synopsis here it is.
“House” meets “Quincy” with a touch of the Mentalist.

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