Hard To Believe George Stephanopoulos Has Daughters - Granite Grok

Hard To Believe George Stephanopoulos Has Daughters

US House Rep Nancy Mace

I have never been a fan of George Stephanopoulos (GS) since his beginnings in the Clinton White House. I have always thought he was one of the most biased members of the legacy media. But what he did to Representative Nancy Mace on his supposed news show this weekend was disgraceful. Disgraceful may be too kind.

It was shameful, dishonorable, disgusting, and worthy of ABC’s disciplinary action. What he did cannot be assuaged by an apology. He deserves to be terminated, and if the women of ABC have any guts, they will be insisting he be removed.

It is unclear why Mace was on the show This Week, which is supposed to be highlighting the week’s events. Stephanopoulos (GS) ambushed Mace by referring to her rape in her teens to her support of Trump, who GS incorrectly labeled as twice found libel of rape. Let’s unpack that statement.

First, Mace quickly claimed that her rape was not a topic to be discussed when she was booked for the spot, and she promptly let GS know that she would not be subject to his shaming her over being raped. The insensitivity of GS didn’t stop, and he went on to make the same incorrect statement about Trump at least ten times. When he finally gave up that he would not bait Mace into tearing down Trump, he segued to January 6. Did someone explain to George that his show was about the week’s events and not 2021 or Mace’s teen years? Tim Russert must be spinning in his grave at the caliber and quality of today’s weekly news shows.

The reason I referred to Stephanopoulos’ daughters is that he should be ashamed of his conduct toward them and every woman. I hope nothing ever happens to his two girls, but what he did to Nancy Mace should never happen to any woman. This sordid situation is exactly why women are hesitant to come forward when assaulted or raped at any age, let alone as a teenager.

Nancy Mace (R-SC) is a third-rail politician. I am not sure if that is endearing or insulting, but what I mean is Mace is not afraid to speak her mind and usually without a filter. She appeared at the State of the Union dressed in Trump regalia and gave the President a pin urging him to say the name Laken Riley. She went on to confront Biden during his speech, which forced him to address the killing of Laken. Biden compounded his reluctance by calling her Lincoln. But it has gotten worse for Joe. He referred to Laken’s killer as an illegal and has spent the last few days backtracking. He ticked off a few with his original remarks but has angered half the country by apologizing to the killer, whom he now calls undocumented.

This interview, or assault of Mace, maybe the first volley of the campaign. If so, the bar has been set very low for the Democrats. Michelle Obama once said when they go low, we go high. It was a meaningless sound bite. If Stephanopoulos showed us anything, there is no depth too low for the Democrats. We better develop thick skin as we will all need it for the next eight months. As for George Stephanopoulos, may he rot in hell for what he did to Nancy Mace.
