Or as a “how to” manual either

As Glen Reynolds has said, given what the media has done non-stop to Trump, all they had to do was to be normal.  Normal, that’s all. That’s not what they have or are doing – especially in DC or with the “Broad Squad” (there, Josh Marcus-Blank, some bait for you!).  And you can add NH’s … Read more

At least NH GOP Chair Steve Stepanek “gets” it.

“Politics is downstream from Culture” –Andrew Breitbart With the backdrop of what we’ve been reporting on the Nashua School Board, and how this Progressive infested political entity is trying to railroad Nashua BoE member Doris Hohensee out of office because she is outspoken from a Conservative standpoint (and that quote from Breitbart), I just asked … Read more

We got friends – not so much, Eric Turer?

See, I promised that we wouldn’t forget Eric “The Silencer” Turer of Brentwood.  Remember, he’s the guy that spoke to the Brentwood Selectmen a bit ago with a full head of steam on censoring the all-volunteer monthly Brentwood Newsletter simply because they had the temerity to actually do REAL journalism – putting up  NH State … Read more

Dog playing Image by Katrin B. from Pixabay

New Hampshire Needs a Pet Czar Comrades

Looking to grow government with some 4th Amendment infringements, a side of the slippery slope and a bit of infringing on your property rights? HB688 fits the Bill.