NH State Rep Liz McConnell – thou doth protest too much

Congratulations – you have brought both us and the Streisand Effect upon yourself (and we’ll start looking into Eric Turer as well).  Yes, we may well end up “raising your profile” but doubtful in the way you think you might want. So, let’s circle back on your latest votes, shall we?  And JUST because you … Read more

Brentwood Newsletter

The NH State Rep Liz McConnell Word of the Day: Intimidation

To be fair, it was either the word “intimidation” or the word “Silence!” (“be silent”, “silencing”, “shut up and stop talking about me and my NH House voting record.”. Could have even used “Liar.”  Why? Because I watched the entire video of the Brentwood Selectmen meeting and determined that it was a PERFECT display of … Read more

NH State Rep Liz McConnell shows her Second Amendment ignorance

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. Someone had this up on Facebook – her answer concerning the Second Amendment from the Citizen Count Survey 2018.  So, once again this Representative, who has already shown … Read more

Mike Delaney Judical Nominee hearing YouTube

When Jane Doe meets Mitch McConnell

In a turnabout on the politics of sexual assault, the Republicans gave the Democrats a dose of their own during the judicial confirmation hearings for Michael Delaney.

Pelosi Realizes Impeachment Was a Mistake

Pelosi Realizes Impeachment Was a Mistake

America is the midst of a one-sided faux impeachment standoff. The House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, has done an impeachment vote… in a rush. There were expressions of great urgency and charges of great import. But apparently the charges were not actually important enough to put to paper or to actually convey to the Senate for … Read more

US Supreme Court Building

Mitch McConnell: The Senate is Voting on Kavanaugh This Week

Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell has issued a statement on his Senate Website. The nomination process is moving forward. He has been moved out of committee to the floor and he means to have a vote. Then he makes some time to talk about the Democrats and the circus they created. It makes for an … Read more

Senate Rule XIX Shuts Down Liz Warren

United State’s Senator Blizzard Warren got shut down. (I’ll wait for the applause to stop.) Democrats are livid. (More applause? Sure, I’ll wait.) How did it happen? Well, there’s this thing called Senate Rule XIX. It state’s that, 2. No Senator in debate shall, directly or indirectly, by any form of words impute to another Senator … Read more

Brentwood Town sign

Letty Bedard is viral in Brentwood? And update on my RSA91:A email demand

If you remember, the below was the image that caused quite the kerfuffle in Brentwood in which Democrats Jon Morgan (Selectman, former State Senator with delusions of running for Governor), Eric Turer (Dem Party Chair, Brentwood), Liz McConnell (former State Rep, delusions of being that again, and current Chair of the Brentwood Library Trustees), and … Read more