Brentwood NH – Do you know how your two NH State Reps voted this week? GraniteGrok does!

by Skip

You know, because  Liz McConnell asked for the Streisand Effect by trying to censor the Brentwood Newsletter, we’re just obliging her by continuing to share her voting record with her constituents.  So this is what she did this week – and contrast that with your Republican State Rep, Josh Yokula.  You have to ask yourself only one question: who better represents traditional NH Values – and your’s?

SB241, planning huge capital expenses and enormous operating subsidies for a commuter rail system for very, very few commuters. Passed.
97% of Democrats voted to Pass.
McConnell, Liz (D, Brentwood) Pass
94% of Republicans voted to Kill.
Yokela, Josh (R, Fremont) Kill

Note: Seriously, Brentwood residents – you WILL be paying for this choo-choo train but do you really think this railway will EVER come close enough to Brentwood to USE it?

SB168, increasing electricity costs by at least $30 million per year. Passed.
99% of Democrats voted to Pass.
McConnell, Liz (D, Brentwood) Pass
95% of Republicans voted to Kill.
Yokela, Josh (R, Fremont) Kill

SB263, letting boys in girls’ sports, and in girls’ locker rooms. Passed.
99% of Democrats voted to Pass.
McConnell, Liz (D, Brentwood) Pass [Boys in the girls’ areas – really Liz?]
97% of Republicans voted to Kill.
Yokela, Josh (R, Fremont) Kill

SB2, raiding the unemployment trust fund to create a 37th job training program. Passed.
99% of Democrats voted to Pass.
McConnell, Liz (D, Brentwood) Pass
99% of Republicans voted to Kill.
Yokela, Josh (R, Fremont) Kill

SB290, removing work requirement for able-bodied childless adults to receive Medicaid. Passed.
99% of Democrats voted to Pass.
McConnell, Liz (D, Brentwood) Pass
99% of Republicans voted to Kill.
Yokela, Josh (R, Fremont) Kill

SB10, killing entry-level jobs for unskilled workers. Passed. [Just ask Seattle, Los Angeles, and New York City how’s that worked out, eh?]
100% of Democrats voted to Pass.
McConnell, Liz (D, Brentwood) Pass
97% of Republicans voted to Kill.
Yokela, Josh (R, Fremont) Kill

SB111-1789h, merely collecting data about abortions along with other health care data. Did not pass.
99% of Democrats voted to Kill.
McConnell, Liz (D, Brentwood) Kill
94% of Republicans voted to Pass.
Yokela, Josh (R, Fremont) Kill

Note: They BOTH should have voted for this! Yes, Josh, bad vote. Liz – totally expected.  After all, Progressives aren’t all that hep about the results of their policies (only intent)

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