So, Marylyn and Albert Todd of the Voter Integrity Group Believe GraniteGrok Is Theirs to Make Demands Against? Part 1

by Skip

Imagine this – Albert Todd called me a Commie because I have not put up their Voter Integrity Project ad. Yep, in a text he sent me. And a few other things he sent as well in texts.

As if that’s going to make me feel bad and I’ll just put up the ad.

Those texts have been saved. Same thing with Marilyn Marylyn. Not nice people if you don’t do what they demand.  And both Steve and I have been getting emails sent to us from apparent fanboys and fangirls (of AJ and Marylyn) that are, well, rather disparaging in intent but quite amusing to us.

So, read below if you both object to the editing. There’s that phrase “be careful what you ask for” but in this case, demanded. And when rebuffed, start your normal operations against those that refuse to comply with your demands. Silly creatures (a reference to an old cereal commercial if you are as old as I – who just officially became a senior citizen).

And yes, I have “receipts” and I’ll be laying this all out over the next few posts. After all, I’ve learned the hard way that if you don’t punch a bully in the nose, they don’t stop. And yes, it hasn’t just been us over a stupid ad but I have found out that they have uses this tactic, akin to how the SJW/Antifa crowd reacts, to a number of other NH folks that I know, including personal friends of mine. Now I can change silly to stupid.

I have those “receipts” as well. And if you, dear readers, “have such” as well, send them in because this time I WILL use them all, contra to what I’m about to say.

I’ve been hearing rumblings of this happening to others in the past – Marilyn Marylyn Todd and AJ (as I guess he wishes to be known), to put it bluntly, “have history.”

Now that they’ve made it personal, well, I get to start saying stuff and asking uncomfortable questions like, where’d that $75,000 go that you raised?  There are some well-known people that are rather ticked off. But I digress for the moment.

There is a reason why I have this in our Frequently Asked Questions (“FAQs”) off our About page. It’s clear that they didn’t even lift a finger in doing their homework in sending stuff to us. First one:

Submission is no guarantee of publication, We reserve the right to edit for length, clarity, or style or we might just let it fly as is.

And so I just did just that – edited the ad (pictured above). We get tons of stuff every day. It is rather overwhelming but keep sending it as it lets US know what YOU think is important. We take that into account when we’re thinking about what to write about. Especially if something “amuses us” or captures our attention from the other gazillion pieces we see each day from the torrent that is the several news/opinion pipes we delve into every day in addition to emails.

And let me be clear: we are NO ONE’S information “utility.” You cannot demand that we put anything up that is your heart’s desire just because we reach a lot of people. That’s just not how it works.

This blog was started for MY amusement – not yours (although we do hope we put smiles on people’s faces. Just not the Todds as they are about to find right now).

While Steve is doing yeoman’s work on the SEO side, I have always maintained that we write because it is fun because if it stops being fun, it’s work. And none of us are getting paid to work.

But this is even more important and I learned this early on even before opening GraniteGrok. A well known writer, As LaShawn Barber said (although she’s no longer blogging):

“On this blog, your speech is a privilege. On your blog, your speech is a right. Learn the distinction.”

If you want something to say, and wish to make sure people see it, start your own blog. Make it “your house” and enjoyable for others to visit. Certainly, the Todds have not learned this lesson – this is not their house and I get rather uppity when other people think it is. You want more publicity? Put an ad in a newspaper – and be sure they won’t do it for free.

Neither of the Todds understands that distinction.

So, not having learned that lesson, they have engaged in tactics against the ‘Grok, me, Steve – and others. Just like how I pointed out in this post about the Brentwood Democrats using such tactics against an Independent Brentwood Selectman  just because he posted a picture that, unbeknowst to him, that ruined Democrat Letty Bedard’s “wear your masks, you filthy animals!!” Narrative and with Liz McConnell, Eric Turer, and Jon “Goober for Gubnor” Morgan used.  Different topic but almost the same tactics. The latter was in person, Todds and company are electronic. But both to the same end – force others to do their will and paint them as not-nice-people at the same time.

Problem for the Todds is that we’ve been through these mosquito level attacks before. Just ask Harrel Kirsten. And, frankly, I don’t care what they think of me, either. So that tactic is a non-starter. But that doesn’t mean I won’t layout the stories I’ve been given as Marilyn Marylyn Todd and AJ/Albert Todd have already started in.

Remember that number: $75,000.

So, the backstories will start with the next post.

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