Civilian Disarmament bills: Those that would limit your Rights because EMOTION and SAFETY - Granite Grok

Civilian Disarmament bills: Those that would limit your Rights because EMOTION and SAFETY

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety

-Benjamin Franklin

Consider this post, as a good example of how the Left despises your Right to keep and bear arms and what and how they will frame their arguments in order to legislative do to make that “next cut” (as opposed to actually work to change the Constitution).  Sun Tzu: “Know yourself, know your enemy” – you cannot (or should not) enter the arena of ideas unless you know what you should and know it well.  Also, know how your opposition is waging its war and make no mistake, they are waging a cultural and political war – against you and your traditional values.  There is a reason why I keep calling Progressives socialists – and socialism is antithetical to traditional American values.  It IS a foreign political philosophy that was imported from Germany from American “intellectuals” who felt they were the ones we all were waiting for (many Leftist academics have an over-inflated sense of themselves and their importance to society and the disgust they have for capitalism – thus, socialism).

Anyways, I digress.  Many people spoke – while a few spoke several times, here are the testimonies in FAVOR of HB101 and HB564 which “it’s for the children!” (just like during the Bush years, their crie d’couer was “HALLIBURTON!”) in infringing on the right of law abiding citizens to exercise their Second Amendment and Article 2-A Rights simply because EMOTIONS! Also, and this is most important, they truly believe that simply because they say something should be true, it is. That if they tell someone NOT to do something, those people will obey (which brings us right back to this).

So, to the listing of the testimonies of the Left that Safety can be obtained in our lifetime simply on their say-so:

NH State Rep Jackie Cali-Pitts –  Prime Sponsor of HB101:

NH Rep Mary Heath – Prime Sponsor of HB564:

 NH State Rep David Coursin:

NH State Rep Latha Mangipudi:

NH State Rep Liz McConnell:

NH State Rep David Meuse:

NH State Rep Bruce Cohen:

Tom Newburgh:

Nan Bernard:

Karen Liot Hill:

Peter Fairchild:

Former NH State Rep Wayne Burton:

Sarah Smith:

Tracy Hahn-Burkett:

NH State Rep Latha Mangipudi on HB564:

Wednesday was a long day and I’ve only processed half of it – the afternoon’s videos still await to be processed.

Remember, this is not about “the children”; when it comes down to it, it is about control.
