NH Democrats Once Again Hiding Their Support for an Unpopular Idea Before an Election.

by Skip

Back in 2008, not a single mention of gay marriage was made during the 2008 campaigns that I can remember. That year was a Democrat wave election and they owned NH just like in 2006 when civil unions were established.

Related: #BLM is Culturally Appropriating the Beliefs of a White German who Lived in England”

Promptly, in 2009, there was a contentious process in which gay marriage was finally approved (it took several iterations). As I have said before, Democrats have the discipline to have bills ready on their “taxiway” to zoom out for take-off and this issue was one of them.

Subsequent years have proven this hypothesis correct – the issues and number of bills about them is always a flurry of the same idea – keep pushing and pushing and each one interlocks with the others in moving their agenda forward.

It’s almost as if it was coordinated (/sarcasm) from above. Something the Republicans should have learned by now.

So Grokster Kimberly posted this Facebook post.  Most of the NH Dems are supporting the Marxist derived Black Lives Matter agenda:

We’ve got MOST, if not all of the NH Senators on record supporting BLM. Look out for state reps that took over previously ‘red seats’ because they spent a lot of $$ and LIED to the voters’ faces about their policies….

Example: Liz McConnell in Brentwood…

NH Journal: BLM Leader: Many NHDems Secretly Backing Agenda, ‘Tight Races’ Keep Them Silent

Of COURSE, Liz McConnell – why am I not surprised? Anyways, I asked Kimberly if she’d do the write-up but while doing some other work early this morning, I kept fuming about it. Silent.

Silent. Just like with the hidden gay marriage effort. Under the radar, deep diving by the submarine, hiding in a coal mine – ANYTHING not to tip off voters about what they will do once elected?

How can voters make educated decisions when the candidates are actively keeping secrets from them?

Such hypocrites as we hear them and their ideological kinfolk demanding openness and transparency – until they want something that they KNOW is an electoral failure. Once again we see “the means justifies the end” and nothing says “openness” like hiding a racist agenda like that of BLM (doubt me, go look up and see for your….oops, BLM is going into stealth mode themselves by wiping their website of stuff that are political losers like being against the nuclear family and such. Time for a different post).

I blogged about the BLM demands here with commentary. I had asked the question “Or WHAT? Deamnds means you’ve got something to back them up with. You don’t“. Well, I was wrong – they DO: the Democrats are all signing on – along with one lone Republican. Less security for our kids in schools. Bigger Government ready to pounce on individual cops Right to Free Speech (“ve vill monitor your writings – BLM style” – we all know what the BLM / rioters will do with THAT, don’t we?).

Nice to know that the Dems are going all-in on it (reformatted, emphasis mine):

Seacoast Democrats are secretly backing a list of demands from the local Black Lives Matter organization, hiding their support due to “tight races,” a BLM official tells NHJournal.

Yeah, secrecy is all about telling media about your plans. And your allies will thank you for it. We’re all about helping in that secrecy thing.

Among those demands are a ban on school resource police officers at public schools, and tracking the personal social media accounts of all local cops.

On September 18, BLM Seacoast released a list of demands for legislative and local candidates, then hosted an event the following Saturday for candidates to sign a pledge to support those demands. Only a handful of legislators or candidates attended, but according to Seacoast Black Lives Matter Executive Director Clifton West, Jr., many more have privately told him they support his organization’s demands.

“I have personally had conversations with them to see whether they support the measures or not. A lot of them do. So that’s very good to hear,” West told NHJournal.

And here’s the “gay marriage” redux  / stealth campaign “unpromise promise”:

…“Some candidates just can’t do it due to political reasons. A lot of close races and they need the votes . . . A lot of these candidates are in very tight races. They can’t really openly support due to the image,” West said. According to William Tucker at the progressive website MiscellanyBlue: “Eight of the Seacoast House seats are rated toss-ups in the latest update: four in Rochester, two in Epping, and two in the Hampton/North Hampton area.” None of those Democratic candidates or incumbents have signed the BLM’s pledge or attended the BLM event.

…Chris Rice, the Democrat running against incumbent GOP state Senator James Gray in a Seacoast district, agreed that tight races are keeping Democrats from supporting the BLM agenda in public. “I do [think that’s true],” he told NHJournal. He also acknowledged his own reservations about some of the proposals.

Again, go to my post for the complete list from Statewide offices down to local ones. They have demands for each level of government – and some are impossible to meet.

So, voters here’s the deal. The Democrats BELIEVE the demands should be supported. They just don’t tell you that they support them over you. They are putting an agenda ahead of the Principle of being honest with constituents. If these candidates are going to deceive you by “omission”, are you still going to vote for them? Isn’t the whole idea of campaigning telling you EVERYTHING they stand for? How can you trust them when they are willing to “pull the wool over your eyes”?

And why is this happening?

Proposals limiting the powers of — or in some extreme cases, “defunding” — police may inspire progressive activists, but polling shows they’re politically unpopular, both in New Hampshire and the nation at large.  A St. Anselm College poll in June found 85 percent of Granite Staters approve of the job their local police are doing, rating them as very or somewhat professional.

A new USA TODAY/Ipsos poll revealed roughly two-thirds (64 percent) of Americans are worried that protests are overwhelming American cities. And 56 percent of those surveyed believe the government should deploy more police to get riots under control.

And that’s why the Democrats are adopting “omerta” on this topic. They KNOW it’s a #FAIL with the electorate but hey, gaining and holding onto Power comes first. And second, and third. Growing Government into areas that it hasn’t been before. Hey, defund the police in schools – let those drug dealers run amok in our schools. Got fights? No big deal. And as far as riots are concerned, hey, it’s only property, right? Got Insurance like you Got Milk? No Problemo! And pretty soon, Government will monitor every word you write online – and say in public. After all, if they start with the police, who’s to say they aren’t going to monitor YOU? After all, many school districts already are scraping your kids’ social media so what’s just one more group – they’ll stop with them, right?

These political realities haven’t stopped six Seacoast Democrats from signing the BLM pledge: Rep. Sherry Frost (D-Dover), Rep. Cam Kenney (D-Durham), House candidate Ariel Oxaal of Dover, Strafford County sheriff candidate Mark Brave and two Somersworth city councilors have all signed on, according to West.

We’ve written about both Frost and Oxaal before. I don’t know Kenney but given the Dover location, I’m not surprised.

I have no idea what Brave is telling constituents – his Facebook page is so lightweight it floats – not a single policy statement found in my quick review of it. Anything else is behind the Fosters’ paywall. Should, however, the Strafford County Commissioners defund the Sheriff’s department? Or just his salary? Would they be willing to hire, a la Facebook and its vast even-handed (cough, cough) horde of fact-checkers, GraniteGrok to start monitoring his department’s staff social media?

One Seacoast Republican, former state Rep. Joe Hannon of Lee, who is running to regain a seat he lost in 2016, both signed the pledge and spoke at Saturday’s rally.

Joe Hannon, not a smooth move for getting re-elected. Very disappointing. I do have to wonder how much investigation he’s done in the entirety of what’s been happening all summer long. If you’re signing on for this, you’re signing on for it ALL, Joe.

West tells NHJournal he expects more candidates to sign up in the coming days.

Despite a statement of support from the New Hampshire Democratic state Senate caucus, however, not a single state senator or candidate has signed the BLM document. Only one, state Senator David Watters (D-Dover), made an appearance at the Seacoast BLM event on Saturday, and he refused to sign the pledge.

Eh. Show up to show support, we now know where you stand. If the others signed the Statement, we know where they stand as well. Just not courageous and sufficiently open to individually stand up for what they Collectively decided (par for the course).

Among the no-shows was Sen. Tom Sherman (D-Rye), who’s GOP opponent Lou Gargiulo was endorsed by Gov. Chris Sununu in the Republican primary. Their race is viewed as one of the most competitive in the state.

“I believe in justice for everyone and I support the First Amendment right to protest,” Gargiulo told NHJournal. “But I support defending the police, not defunding them. And I support keeping school resource officers, not banning them. “The officers in our schools had a positive impact on my children’s lives and who knows how many others. So no — I won’t be signing that document,” Gargiulo said.

Sen. Sherman declined repeated requests for comment.

Of course, he declined. He knows he can’t be honest or he’d lose. Again, Power over Transparency.

Sen. Watters rejected the idea that he and his fellow Democrats were backing away from BLM demands out of concern over electoral consequences. Instead, he said there were issues regarding ‘Constitutional conflicts,’ ‘lack of due process,’ and ‘unfunded mandates’ that he says need to be resolved. Though he refused to sign the pledge, Watters told NHJournal he was working directly with Black Lives Matter Seacoast to address their concerns in legislation in the upcoming session. “By turning words into action . . . that’s what I can do.  That’s what my word and pledge is,” said Watters.

Close enough for Government work, Watters. If you’re doing, you’re supporting. I went through his website – not a single word on BLM and/or their demands on which potential voters would know where he stands on this or what he’s actually doing. Why is that, Senator Watters? Why can’t you level with your voters?

And the following is a start – the NH GOP needs to HAMMER this issue over and over and over again:

Kate Day, a member of the New Hampshire Republican Party’s Executive Committee, said if Democrats have made secret promises regarding positions they plan to take after the election, in particular regarding the treatment of police officers, they should disclose them now.

Democrats in New Hampshire need to make it clear where they stand,” Day said. “Do they agree with the BLM list of demands that remove police officers from our schools, open our law enforcement officers up to personal lawsuits, and make our communities less safe? Or do they support our men and women serving on the thin blue line?”

I’m against pretty much all of the demands. What’s worse, however, is that the Democrats believe they don’t have to play the game that voters expect them to. The Dems wail about attacking “our Democracy” – yet, here is their insidious answer to their own complaints.

Fine for me but not Republicans is the message they send. Good work by Graham for exposing this.

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