Since I’ve been “involved” with the town of Brentwood in the past, – see Liz McConnell, the former Democrat NH State Rep, and anti-speech bigot – I thought this little scandal was worth sharing.
And yes, there’s Liz McConnell yet again, and her co-Democrat anti-speech bigot. They decided that the Brentwood Newsletter should be shut down because they printed her NH House voting record. It’s what Democrats do – try to silence people that dissent from their Narrative / Agenda.
But I digress:
From an anonymous tipster:
I just read the post about hate mail from “Maureen” and thought you’d get a kick out this Facebook post (I’m not on FB – absolutely refuse – this is a screenshot sent to me). This lovely lady is one of our Brentwood School Board representatives. I also received a photo of her at this Tuesday’s select board meeting… sans mask. Oh, the hypocrisy!
From left to right (don’t know the masked lady), the Streisand Effect twins Liz McConnell and Eric Turer, and looky at that nekid-face Letty Bedard. If I weren’t laughing, I’d be crying. I just don’t get the hatred and intolerance, don’t they read the signs they display at the end of their driveways?
Ayup – raging about non-mask wearers and there she is at an official meeting – being a non-mask wearer.
Isn’t that just so sweet – and typical of the left? You’ve all read the stories of those on the Left JUST LIKE HER that have imposed mask mandates on everyone – but themselves. And then do the non-apology apology when they get caught.
All three of them, in fact: McConnell, Turer, and Bedard. Betcha they’ll all say they’re Jabbed or some other CYA excuse.
Hey, Letty – one leads from the FRONT, one leads by EXAMPLE – not by saying one thing and then doing the OPPOSITE!
So, which is it for you – EXPLAIN YOURSELF. If it “is for the benefit of the community” why didn’t you do it? Or did the notion we were founded on the Individual finally get through? Or just lazy?
Or that it’s ok to scream at others but not yourself? We’re waiting for your Mea Culpa, ma’am.