
Some Don’t Want to Hear It

Some legislators don’t want to hear about educational opportunities that impact thousands of NH children. That’s their choice. They can choose to ignore what often matters a great deal to families. On New Year’s Eve, we sent an email to all NH Senators and State Representatives welcoming them to the new biennium. The letter explained our belief … Read more

If Elected, NH Democrats PROMISE to Push Massive Gun Control

On Saturday, Democrats hosted the “Godfather of Gun Control,” Michael Bloomberg, founder of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, Moms Demand and Everytown for “Gun Safety.” Bloomberg was in the Granite State to endorse selected gun control candidates for the November elections. While Bloomberg supports all Democrats, he specifically is endorsing the following for their extreme gun … Read more

bloomberg gun control

Bloviating Billionaire Bloomberg Pushes Gun Control Democrats in NH

On Saturday, the “Godfather of Gun Control,” New York City billionaire Michael Bloomberg, spoke at a “Moms Demand” event in Nashua to push several hardcore gun control candidates for the November election. All candidates are Democrats, of course, and Bloomberg’s visit is thought by some to be a glimpse of a possible presidential run in … Read more

Everytown Endorses Anti-Gunners in NH Hillsborough and Rockingham Counties

[Art.] 2-a. [The Bearing of Arms.] All persons have the right to keep and bear arms in defense of themselves, their families, their property and the state. December 1, 1982 “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not … Read more

Neoliberals, Neoconservatives, And RINOs, They are All Whigs!

How did America go from the foreign policy Thomas Jefferson stated in his inaugural address of 1801, “Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations-entangling alliances with none,” to Commodore Perry’s armed incursion into Japanese territory in 1853?

US Senator Mitch McConnell OpenVerse by Gage Skidmore under CC BY-SA20 5438043026_b91fd51b85_b

Some Quick Thoughts On The New York Special Election

Here are some quick thoughts on  Tuesday’s (2/13) special election in New York: Maybe Republican voters were happy with George Santos and NOT happy that the GOP thinks that it can and should decide who may or may not represent them.

Border wall material rottingin the sun

Night Cap: Musk Gets It … Why Don’t GOP Voters?

I have been saying this (see tweet from Elon Musk below) since the illegitimate Biden-Regime took power. And even if the Regime is unable to legalize the millions (probably over ten at this point) illegals they’ve assisted in invading the United States, it is only a matter of time until the children of these illegals, … Read more

“Legal” For Illegals To Vote In Presidential Election In Arizona …

Mitch McConnell and his faux-GOP ilk are, as I write this (1/12 10:00 AM), selling out GOP voters on illegal immigration. More specifically, Oklahoma’s faux-GOP Senator Lankford is the figurehead for a plan to essentially amnesty the millions illegals the Biden-Regime has allowed to invade through our Southern border and to legalize future illegal immigration … Read more

US Attorney General Merrick Garland

Imagine Merrick Garland In A Black Robe

One man stands above the crowd in an administration where incompetence and corruption are the criteria. Merrick Garland holds a position that we expect to be beyond reproach. As our Attorney General, Garland is the head of the Department of Justice and chief law enforcement officer of the Federal Government. The Attorney General represents the … Read more

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Keep them coming please, as it helps me gather weaponry to fight the Left.  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

Survival Sunday – SITREP Edition

Forewarned is forearmed.  Thus, this is intended to be a compilation of articles, with my commentary, to try and get like-minded people to grasp what’s coming.  Even merely being aware of events in the world will make you better prepared than the hordes of sheeple.  Note that these compilations are catch-as-catch can, and presented as … Read more

Sun King Sununu

Sun-King Sununu Really Had Only Two Jobs … And He Failed At Both

If you ask a Koch-bot/Sununu-sycophant what was the most important thing for Sun-King to do as Governor, it’s a good bet that the response would be … CUT BUSINESS TAXES. Wrong … wrong … wrong … wrong … wrong … wrong. When Chris Pappas becomes Governor in 2024 along with a Democrat legislature … those … Read more

Survival Sunday – Thursday SITREP Edition

Forewarned is forearmed.  Thus, this is intended to be a compilation of articles, with my commentary, to try and get like-minded people to grasp what’s coming.  Even merely being aware of events in the world will make you better prepared than the hordes of sheeple.

Money down the toilet

The Republicans Who Sold Us Out for $1.7T

There was a time when bills could pass through the Senate or the House on bipartisan votes, and it was considered good governing. Bills had opponents and proponents because of differing views, but a vote, either way, was not catastrophic to the country’s future.

Survival Sunday – Thursday SITREP Edition

(Edited after publication.  Got behind the curve today!) Forewarned is forearmed.  Thus, this is intended to be a compilation of articles, with my commentary, to try and get like-minded people to grasp what’s coming.  Even merely being aware of events in the world will make you better prepared than the hordes of sheeple.