Claudine Gay, Plagiarism & the DEI Lie.

Claudine Gay was celebrated as the first black woman president of Harvard. She is not the first black woman to have reached the giddy heights of leadership in the US however. Before she came along there were several notable ambitious and brilliant black women: Condoleezza Rice, Jennifer Rubin, Shirley Chisholm to name a few.

Di Lothrop

Lighten Up, Chuck!

This response from Di Lothrop concerns a Letter to the Editor from former NH Supreme Court Justice, Chuck Douglas.  Both are reproduced below.  -Skip

B-52s on line USAF

We Have forgotten That We are Americans…

Born at the height of American power, it’s hard to believe that in my 72 years, I’ve become a dinosaur. It’s glaringly apparent to me that we’re headed down the same cinder and rock-strewn path they walked to oblivion.

joads John Burtis FanPop-com

We Have Become the Joads in Biden’s World

We were part of the Baby Boom generation and are now in our 70s and 80s.  We are strangers in a strange land, recalling Robert Heinlein’s book by the same name, which gets stranger by the day.

Democrat Depression Is a Partisan Political Tactic

Democrat Depression Is a Partisan Political Tactic

The Donkey Party is actively seeking to plunge the country into an economic tailspin. They do wish to maintain some level of plausible deniability of the point. That is important to their credulous suckers. They believe your poverty and misery serves them well.

Women's March Concord

Concord ‘Women’s March’ a Yawn Fest

Today was the 4th annual ‘Women’s March’ in Concord. The march began in January 2017, after Trump was elected. Apparently, Trump was suddenly going to take women’s rights away… or something (NOTE: he hasn’t). Like last year, the attendance was sparse and frankly, the rally was boring AF. There were maybe a couple hundred people … Read more

Pine Tree Ramblings – Vol 10

Leftists (Liberals, Democrats) sure are in a tailspin these days.  And it sure is great to see. They pick these whacky, self-proclaimed Socialist bartenders who can’t function though a media interview.  They have issue-du-jour Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), where each day brings a new “critical issue”, worthy (in their minds) of impeaching the President: Helsinki, … Read more

GraniteGrok’s Top-10 Heavy Hitter’s for June 2018

You had over 250 new posts to choose from for “June 2018” our first full month back to reporting on reader favorites after a brief respite at the hands of hackers in faraway lands. And yes, there are a few that just went up in late June that could “make the cut,” in July. So. I’ve … Read more

Yep, ’tis true

And don’t forget that Jeanne Shaheen and Maggie “The Red” Hassan just ripped away the healthcare insurance of 9 million poor kids proving they aren’t kind hearted females but cold killer political hacks driving a Progressive / Socialist agenda that hates Americans and New Hampshireites.. (H/T: FB Anonymous)

Such care of our money, they do. But they call it compassion so whatever…

In quickly scanning the newspapers this morning, I was rather shocked by something concerning something that just lept out of the screen.  In reporting what hadn’t been funded in the next NH budget, this factoid just stared back at me (full part of that piece after the jump for context).  Concerning a program to get … Read more